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Been lurking for a month now


September 16, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
El Monte, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XLT 4wd
Finally decided to join after going through different threads for the last month. Last night I noticed my 4x was not working - I went through the 4x troubleshooting thread and performed step by step, turned out I had a broken plastic bumper washer, I replaced it with a piece of fuel hose. I just got back from a road test and :D

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According to the troubleshooting guide, it looks like this is a very common problem. I just picked up the vehicle so really havent had time to really take it out and pound on it :cool:

What happened? :scratch:

Shift motor problems on the 1st gens. The fix is to replace a broken washer inside the shift motor with a piece of hose.

Welcome to the forum, TACO. :thumbsup:

When I picked up this X the trans shifted rough, brakes did not work and check engine light on running rough.

-Replaced trans modulator and complete trans flush
-Replaced brake booster
-Repalced 2 injector connectors that were loose
-Replaced o2 sensor
-Replaced 4x shift motor washer/bumper with hose(4x works now) :thumbsup:

-Fuel injection service
-Fuel filter
-Air filter
-Oil change
-Plugs and wires

Vehicle has 106k miles in really great shape for 17-18 years old - owned by older woman,.

This vehicle is mostly for recreational purposes. I like it!

Welcome to Explorer Forum! I like newbies that know what a "Search" feature is.

