Bein young & Christmas music...... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bein young & Christmas music......

Derrick C.

Moderator Drinkin Corona
Moderator Emeritus
September 11, 2000
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Twin Falls, Idaho---------B.F.E.
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91 XLT, 92 XL
My girlfriend hates this time of year. Simply because I break-out my X-mas stuff. All this DVDs.....White Christmas(Bing Crosby), Holiday Inne(another Bing Crosby), Miracle on 34th Street(the old one), pretty much anything old time like that. She kicks me everytime I put my music in too........its the same as my DVDs.......lots of Bing Crosby and Sinatra.

She hates all of this cause I'm only 23 and shes 21. As far as shes concerned I shouldn't even know what those movies are. :rolleyes: Am I really that weird??? I didn't think so. I just appreciate good music and movies. :)

Whats everyone else got in the DVD player or CD player????

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Derrick, even though you have an appreciation for the old school movies and music doesn't mean you're not wierd... I can attest that you're VERY wierd... But I agree, some of that old stuff is decent...

Metallica is in my cd player, and i cant stand watching old movies, I probably would be on her side..Im 21 btw.

Thanks Heath!!! Now call Amanda and tell her that Bing Crosby is god of christmas music. ;) :D

Derrick C. said:
My girlfriend hates this time of year. Simply because I break-out my X-mas stuff. All this DVDs.....White Christmas(Bing Crosby), Holiday Inne(another Bing Crosby), Miracle on 34th Street(the old one), pretty much anything old time like that. She kicks me everytime I put my music in too........its the same as my DVDs.......lots of Bing Crosby and Sinatra.

She hates all of this cause I'm only 23 and shes 21. As far as shes concerned I shouldn't even know what those movies are. :rolleyes: Am I really that weird??? I didn't think so. I just appreciate good music and movies. :)

Whats everyone else got in the DVD player or CD player????

I am with you on the Christams music, but not the old movies.

She probably feels you are acting too old and that you should be acting more young and hip I guess. Now an older woman with kids or who wants kids would love you for this.

I like some of the "classic" Christmas songs, but don't really care for the "classic" movies. My boyfriend however loves 'em. Maybe you two should talk... J/K

Derrick C. said:
Thanks Heath!!! Now call Amanda and tell her that Bing Crosby is god of christmas music. ;) :D

Done... But I don't think she believed me... She said that she'd try to remember, but she didn't know how long it would stick...

What is "hip" 21 year old Christmas stuff? Like A Christmas Story, Christmas Vacation, Home Alone, etc? Or heck, that stuff may be too old also. What do late teens / early 20 somethings like to listen to/watch during Christmas?

I like A Christmas Story, Scrooged, Frosty The Snowman, and It's A Wonderful Life. And to be honest, there is no better music than The Chipmunks singing Christmas tunes :D .

Heath said:
Done... But I don't think she believed me... She said that she'd try to remember, but she didn't know how long it would stick...

Thanks again Heath. She texted me and told me that we suck. :)

Yeah I love those clay movie thingys to.

Woodychitwn, send him here anytime!!!! ;) :)

I'm young and old........Older chicks dig it!!!! :p :D

Nothin' wrong with the oldies at Christmas. We have all the old Firestone Christmas records with Bing Crosby, Julie Andrews, Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, Nat King Cole...etc. Great Stuff!!! Nothing like Bing singing White Christmas or Tony Bennett singing Winter Wonderland to get you in the Christmas spirit....Tell your g/f she needs to get with the program! :D :D

JDraper said:
Nothin' wrong with the oldies at Christmas. We have all the old Firestone Christmas records with Bing Crosby, Julie Andrews, Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, Nat King Cole...etc. Great Stuff!!! Nothing like Bing singing White Christmas or Tony Bennett singing Winter Wonderland to get you in the Christmas spirit....Tell your g/f she needs to get with the program! :D :D

Exactly what I was thinking. :thumbsup:


I listen to oldies Christmas music by Crosby, Sinatra, and Como (I'm 22), like older movies (Kelly's Heroes!), listen to 50s-70s rock... and I get crap for it all the time.

Sometimes I comment that I was born in the wrong era. Sometimes I think I am right!

My friends and I (18 - 20 range) like the older stuff too. Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole, The Carpenters, Aaron Neville, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, It's a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story, Home Alone, and the old claymation ruedolf with the frosty the snowman cartoon - those are my favs for music and movies, and for the most part all my friends'....I say play it more, let her realize what she's missing out on.

Heath said:
Derrick, even though you have an appreciation for the old school movies and music doesn't mean you're not wierd... I can attest that you're VERY wierd... But I agree, some of that old stuff is decent...

I second that, you are sick in the head! :eek: But, that has nothing to do with Christmas music.

I am a Christian and love Christmas for what is it and love Santa ( :mattmoon: Premier) but detest Christmas music. I can't tell you why. I would prefer the older stuff, just don't care for it in general.

I am 19 and love old christmas movies and music. Bing Crosby and Nat King Cole are the Christmas music gods in my opinion. I love the old movies like the claymation movies (Rudolf and the sort), Its a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th St, and all the other ggood oldies. She just doesn't know what she's missing.

Well I'm older than most of you, so my point is that Xmas music can be a wonderfull way of remembering christmas'es past, even if your only say 20, you grew up with your parents Xmas music that makes them think back to there parents.
The smells of Xmas, the tree, the turkey bird or ham cookin, the woodsmoke from the fire xmas morn.
The music, the olifactory delites, the traditions, is what the season is all about, enjoy

NOTAJP said:
I second that, you are sick in the head! :eek: But, that has nothing to do with Christmas music.

( :mattmoon: Premier)
Gotta love some of our Mods, merry Xmas

Frank sinatra xmas music is the best & I'm 22, shes just nuts :D :D :D

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Franks good...i prefer Dean Martin myself (even though i haven't heard much in the way of x-mas music). What about charlie browns christmas! I love that movie...yeah i'm still an avid watcher of cartoons and i'm almost 25. Your not weird...just old school :)

