Better Gas Mileage??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Better Gas Mileage???


New Member
December 5, 2000
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I have a 99 4 Door XLT with the sport package. It has the 4.0L SOHC and 4.10 gears. I'm getting between 14 and 16 mpg and was wondering if there anything I can do other than changing the gears to improve the mileage?
Also, is changing the gears a big deal?


John B

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There is alot involved with changing gears, not a do it yourself job..Your gas mileage is probally average, have you done any other mods? you might want to check around the board..There is alot of info on gas milage on the site..I myself have the 4.0, 91 2dr sport and only get 18-22, and have performance mods..Ask around, join in on chat one night, you can then ask the guys first hand without waiting for an answer..See ya there.

Well, at least you have the more powerful engine. My OHV is getting about the same mileage as yours but with less power.

JUST DON"T GET 33's :) i have a 98 with the OHV and 4.10's and wow dose my gas suck now!

Here are some things I have done to add gas milage/performance:
-K&N drop in filter
-Bosch plus 4 spark plugs
-Bosch premium wires
-synthetic oil in everything
-Borla Cat-back high flow exhaust
-Keep tires up to 35 psi (or more if a stiffer ride doesn't bother you)
-Drive with a lighter foot
-i get best milage out of 87 or 89 gas. I always use 87.
My average MPG is 17.5-18.5 I have 3.73 gears and the OHV engine. your engine is actually supposed to get better milage then mine. Anyway also in the winter the milage will be lower. Also if your temperature gauge seems to hover low, you may want to put in a high quality 195 degree thermastat. If you have any questions e-mail me!

Tip for better gas milage

Park the explorer and get a Kia. That might be what I will have to do once I move. I will be 40 miles from work, and the price of gas is said to climb as high as $3 a gallon this summer. With my truck getting 13 MPG no matter what I do, it might just be cheaper getting another car that gets 30 MPG.
