Big 4x4 Swap Meet in NC | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Big 4x4 Swap Meet in NC

Grape Ape

Active Member
November 20, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
High Point, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Ford Ranger S/C 4x4
Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to post some info about a large 4x4 Swap Meet being put together for Saturday, March 15th in Cary, NC (just outside of Raleigh).

To be involved is VERY reasonable at only $5 per vendor.
I will hopefully be there advertising and selling my 4x4 airbrush art, and possibly have the truck there - if it's done...(fingers crossed).

There will be a 4x4 show, raffle, prizes, food, and other things going on (possible radio station showing).

Just check out the flyer:
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how long of a drive is that from Winston-Salem, NC? if it isn't far i'll join ya

It's a 2 hour drive away. I know where it is.

Daivd, I made plans to go. If you want, we can ride together. My Ex currently isnt road ready with overdrive being gone, and id like to go, but need the other vehicle for the woman to use. Lemme know...

Dave, if you're going, gimme a call so I can meet ya there.

csxtrainman - i'm only allowed one other person in the car and my best friends coming with me. i'll enter the X in the show and see what i get.

Hey guys,
I'm not 100% sure I'm going, but as of now I am.
If any of you wanted to meet up, we can all go together. Yes, Digger, it's about 1-1/2 to 2 hours away.
I don't think my truck will be done, but I'm still planning on going anyways.


Ape did ya get my e-mail about the t-shirt?


Just reminding everyone's next weekend!


Dave, you gotta go!!! I don't care about them having school on a Saturday!! I'm not gonna go by myself. Well...Abby is gonna be with me too but still!!

i would go but thats a long ride with broke ass shocks from greenville

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to remind everyone about the Swap Meet this saturday. It's going to be BIG!!

