Body lift for 98 ?? (new member) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Body lift for 98 ?? (new member)


December 11, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
North Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT
Hello everyone, I am brand new to the forum. I have a 1998 Explorer 4x4 V6, and I would like to lift the body 2" or 3". I can not seem to find a body lift kit for this year model. Would anyone have a suggestion, or will I have to make one myself?? Thanks and I look forward to visiting the site daily.

First rule of any forum... have you tried actually searching for "body lift"? That should have given you several pages of results including the kit part number PA-883. The only parts you should need to fabricate are bumper brackets and there are templates posted in a bunch of the body lift threads.

Welcome to the site and good luck with your body lift :).
