Borla Cat-back installed! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Borla Cat-back installed!

Arnold D.

Well-Known Member
December 22, 1999
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Kansas City
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT
I ordered the $165 Borla cat-back for my 96' 4dr from Rust Eck Ford (Witichita) 2 weeks ago and it arrived yesterday.
Installation was a simple, but removal of the old system was a _itch! The only problem with the new system is the rear hanger...not exactly in the stock location.

I'll scan some photos and write up some install tips if anyone is interested. Be sure to have a new flange gasket and locate 2 new stove bolts (with springs) before you start your replacement!

The sound from this setup is great!!!!

[Edited by Arnold D. on 08-11-2000 at 02:00 AM]

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I will be putting mine on my Sport tommorrow.
Did you get Stainless bolts ?
If so what are the specs (size/price) on them with springs ?
and what brand of gasket did you go with.
Where are you ?, Mine is a southern truck (NC) and doesn't have a lot of rust.
I will spray some P oil on it, set for 5 min, run the truck to Oper temp, spray some more, get out the old fireman gloves (very handy items) and it should come right off. I have tried this many times and it hasn't failed yet.
Was this your specific problem?

please respond.

Sorry 4 the ??, but I will not have access to the Sploder till late tommorrow, and NAPA here is not open on Sunday.

why new bolts?

hey arnold, just would like to know why you say to replace the stove bolts and if you know where I could get them would ya let me know? I'd appreciate it, mine comes in by the 21st. Thanks man!

I picked up new factory bolts at a Ford dealer here in Kansas City. Mine are metric and I rounded off the head of one and the other broke while removing it. I did use penetrating oil prior to removal. Not sure they make stainless bolts, but I got springs, bolts, and the special nuts/washers for Ford for $16. The flange gasket is just a standard Federal Mogul (SP?) for $6. As for the rear hanger, it seems to be mounted at the wrong angle. It still hook into the rubber mount, but just looks wrong. I'l try to get a picture posted soon.


Hey Arnold, that helps alot, been sitting here browsing the net for those bolts and not a single parts retail lists them...hope full I won't need them! I would like to see those pics when you get them! Thanks again.

Just got back from the Ford Dealer, out of 3 dealers in Charlotte, only 1 had 4 bolts. He asked what was the deal, I told him about the Borla deal from FordRacing, then he understood. He did say that within the last month he sold enough to put a CatBack on every Explorer in NC.

Any way, the bolts are dealer only (trust me on this) ..caution(they do NOT come with a nut (separate part)...and I got a gasket, and Arnold check me on this, it looks like a 2 1/2" lead donut/o-ring type deal, tapered to seal the exhaust to the cat.
There were no washers, so I know I have some lock-washers in a parts bucket here. But it feels pretty heavy duty, though not stainless, but it is hardened steel. All parts seem up to the task.
23.78 for all this.


You described the donut/seal to a tee. Use a chisel or screwdriver to remove the old one. The seal has a metal mesh woven in the material (asbestos?) that is easily removed by cutting thru it. As for the bolts, lock washers are not required. The special nuts have a raised lip on them that recesses into the flange holes. I think rust and expansion from heat eventually acts as inexpensive thead lock :D Also, the nut is welded on a flange washer so you will need to wrench it from the bolt impact or good sized breaker bar will aid in the process.

Well, done. took about 1 hr 15 min to take old one off. It is one piece, the Borla is 2. Took about 15 min to install new one. Great sound. To take the old one off, had to cut off the rear hanger and disconnect the lower shock mount. And pack a breaker bar or substantial (3/8") ratchet and lots of 15mm sockets, boxends...
If anybody wants me to post the Ford part numbers required (spring bolts, gasket) let me know, cause you WILL need these.
Great sound, great fit, much lighter, once the computer resets (forgot to do this) the power and mpg should go up.
I suggest you do this while you are installing.

I had a problem with the rear hanger as well. The exhaust tip is rotated counterclockwise a few degrees and rattles against the bumper when the A/C is on and idling low.

I figured I'd bend the hanger down some when I get the chance.


Cat back install

I would like those part numbers if ya still have 'em. So is it impossible to save the old bolts? I get my Borla on the 21st/22nd, and I was gonna start spraying wd-40 on those bolts everytime before I started the engine and everytime I turned it off. I thought maybe this would lossen 'em up a bit from the heatup/cooldown with the wd-40. But I would like the #'s so I can get them ASAP! Thanks man! :hammer:

Yeah, mine is a NC truck, never seed salt roads. Never the less, they were a biotch to get off.
I will post the part numbers later tonight or tommorrow EST.
The dealer should know these with thier computers and all.
The WD40 is still a good idea, I used Liq.Wrench. Still hard to get off.
another helpful tip is to get some ArmorAll ready.
The hangers on the ford stock have a head (kinda)..look and see what i mean. These were initially hard to get out. Spray some ArmorAll, wait 5 min. and the silicon on em makes 'em slide out w/ease. The Borla doesn't have that knob on it and is easier to get in.
later ....

okay Dawg..

here tis.

2 -N800419-S301 NUT

Those, along with the tools I mentioned..should do it.
It was 94 here on Sunday, don't know 'bout there, but lotsa cold beer should be on hand.
Good luck.


kps, thanks for the #'s, i'm gonna get the parts b4 my borla gets here(should be the 21or22),just so I have 'em ready..been hot here so cold beer is definite!!!

No prob.
Just take all the information I laid out here, get those parts and a bud who will work for beer (it is MUCH better with another set of arms !
'Member, I have a 2D, and tasks and fit may vary, albeit slightly.
Good luck....
BTW, I saw where Phantom got the shaft again by Holcombe (sp). Said they had it, 2 week delivery, then said oops sorry, no-can-do. Dawg, where did order yours out of ?

Um...Ok....Someone answer this question for me....Everyone here is talking about bolts. My exhaust was welded onto my car. Is that how it is done? Did the shop do it right? Although I don't have a Borla Cat-back, should it still be bolted on?(I have a Flowmaster) Please help me out here....I'm kinda scared that they messed up my truck by welding the exhaust onto my truck.

The exhaust manifold bolts to the Cat(yilic) Convertor, the inlet to the muffler bolts to the outlet of the Cat. On mine that was it stock. If 'they' welded the 'cat-back' system to the Cat, I hope your system is either A)Stainless Steel (Borla) or B) VERY well made, 'cause it will require heavy cutting to replace if needed.

I just re-read your post...
besides the above, the stock setup is the 'exhaust pipe' and muffler are one complete unit..i.e welded ..

ordering borla cat back

KPS36, I ordered mine from McCarvell Ford in Centereach, NY. I ordered it on the 12th, said I should have it by the 21st or 22nd. They charged me $20.00 for s/h/i. They were GREAT about the whole thing. They even told me why the great deal was happening...think I mentioned it on this thread, no it was the other one..borla for 165...if you were curious about that! Laters man!
