Borla Catback Installation? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Borla Catback Installation?


Elite Explorer
February 19, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Piscataway, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Mountaineer
I have been reading these posts for a while and I think I want to go with the Borla Catback Exhaust system. Has any one installed the system theirselves, and if so how difficult is it to do? Also i'm trying to find the best price off the internet. Any suggestions?

Norman B.
97 Mountaineer 5.0 V8
K&N Airfilter-Modified Airbox

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I installed the Borla on my 1996 V8. It was pretty easy. The most difficult part was extracting the stock cat back system. You have to remove it by pulling it FORWARD after disconnecting it from the converter, and popping off the hangers.

The second most difficult part was getting the back half of the Borla to align properly, so that from the rear view the exhaust tips were sitting parallel to the ground. The Borla comes in two pieces, so before clamping them together after installing and hanging, check the alignment of the back half. Took about 3 hours of rolling around on the garage floor, but I have been happy with the system.
Good luck.

Here's what I did on my 93. Your results may vary:

1. Remove rear passenger side wheel.

2. Remove the bottom part of the shock absorber. I had another jack ready to push the shock back when putting everything back together.

3. Remove the brackets and the connection to the catalytic converter.

4. Pull out the muffler and pipe from the rear. By this point my rear pipe had already disconnected from my muffler, making it easier for me to remove.

5. Put in the Borla by connecting the muffler to the converter first.

6. Connect the rear pipe to the muffler.

Good luck.

Dead Link Removed

Brian Tomarchio
1993 XLT 4x4

How much did you guys pay for your systems? Did you order online or at an suto store? How is the sound as well as the performance? I am undecided on Borla and Flowmaster at this point. I have been reading a lot of post and most say that these two are the best. I am leaning towards the Borla if I can find the catback at a reasonable price. Thanx for your input

I got mine "certified used". It was used, and the guy who sold it to me certified that it was used. Dead Link Removed Seriously, I paid $200 for a 5-month old cat-back. I noticed an immediate improvement. Not super-improved, but definite difference, even though I was driving with stock exhaust for only 5 months before I upgraded. Mine sounds acceptable. Not annoying, but noticably different than stock. Funny story: When my wife first heard it, she proclaimed, "It doesn't sound like you fixed anything." When my father-in-law first heard it, he said, "You have to get your exhaust fixed." Then I had to explain to each of them what I actually had installed. Go figure.

Dead Link Removed

Brian Tomarchio
1993 XLT 4x4

i have installed a flowmaster catback on my 91 and i have really enjoyed it.
install was easy for me, since my exhaust was 8 years old and starting to corrode, but the easiest way if you are not going to keep the exhaust pipes is to saw the thing apart. after unbolting the stock exhaust at the cat, i just sawed the tail pipe off at the muffler. it came right out.
after that i just connected the muffler to the cat and hooked it up, then ran the tailpipe thru and connected it to the muffler. not to bad.
personal opinion on the flowmaster/borla issue borla is better but is it worth the money... they are a little too loud for me, my flow just purrs...
i got mine online at Dead Link Removed and i buy everything online. i have always found better deals that way, but you gotta do the research.

Just put mine in my 97 2WD Sport last night. Man, was that a pain. The the clamp on the muffler was rusted on so out came the cutoff wheel and a lot of pushing & pulling. Getting the the muffler off the hangars was difficult too but not impossible. All I need to do now is fine tune the alignment cause the tips are barely tapping the bumper when it idles.

Sounds great on acceleration, but is much louder in the interior at freeway speed than I expected. Overall, I'm very pleased!

I got mine at for $292.68 w/ the coupon.
