Bought a 87 F-150 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bought a 87 F-150


Well-Known Member
September 19, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Geraldton ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 explorer sport 4.0
Well I just bought a 1987 F-150 XL for $1900.

Its a 5.8L 351cid 4 speed. Its a beater truck and is going to replace my explorer. It's my first stick shift but i have droven alot of manuals befor.

My question is: Why is it when I start the truck in 1st I can take off fine, but i cant shift it back to 1st once im out, the gears just grind. Even when im dead still with my foot on the clutch....I can take off in 2nd just fine but not 1st gear

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Sounds like a syncronizer.


If it has granny gear I believe the tranny was made so you could not shift into first if moving to keep from blowing the engine.

But I cant even switch to first when im dead stop...Like if i start the truck up in nutural then try poping it in 1st and will grind the gears....I cant get that? im not even moving

it sounds like you may have a bent dog gear,,,it's a little flat piece that sits in a broached groove...overtime and with the previous owner probably having a little trouble with the wear and tear, tried forcing it and it's kind of a big deal to open it up to fix it for such a cheap part...try this once, when you are at a stop and it won't go into first, put it into reverse and then bring it back into first...just the shifting is fine, you don't have to let the clutch out...i hope this helps you...

I'll give that a try.

But I was talking to a co-worker and he said its the syncronizer

could be, it was also mentioned here ^^^^

Hell, just take off in 2nd & forget about it.....wouldn't that be simpler than worrying youself to pieces......:):)

I dont mind taking off in 2nd...1st gear is really low so its not much strain taking off from 2nd..But im just worried about the other syncronizer 2nd-3rd...becasue if that goes then im up **** creek..I would be doing the repairs myself

Bought 87 F150

I dont mind taking off in 2nd...1st gear is really low so its not much strain taking off from 2nd..But im just worried about the other syncronizer 2nd-3rd...becasue if that goes then im up **** creek..I would be doing the repairs myself

I owned a '86 F150 that I run 33x12.5s on and never used 1st gear for three years and it was still shifting fine (and I didn't baby it ANY, I pulled sheds, tractors,etc.)when I sold it to finance another project at the time, so don't fret yourself so much, ok? :D
