box design? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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box design?


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April 28, 2002
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'02 Sport
i dont know if this has been discussed before but i wanted something different. My friend and i are about to build me a new box for my speakers i just bought. Im going to invert them so it will more than likely be a sealed box. anyway here is my question... Has anyone ever made a design on their box. I dont mean on the wooed or whatever youve made the box with, but with the carpet over it, say like a flame or tribal or any other kind of design over the box? anyone know how?

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Do you mean something like this

yea somethin like that, maybe alittle bit more noticeable? if theres a way

no one at all?

Well I didn;t use carpet but I did make a design (sort of) with Lexan. I put some stickers on the inside spray painted over it and then flip it over and mounted it to the box so the outside looks like it was painted and the paint won't get scratched and it looks real glossy.
I'm goin to try glassin soon but I like the way this worked out.
Thats the link to the pics (if it works)

nope.. all my boxes look like ****... all go no show

you could build a box with a plexi window that was pre engraved lasered or sandblasted and put and neon in it.

I have done it before. There was a thread on it for doing it to a headliner. Same concept. Any way you cut your design you want rised out of 1/4" foam (when you cut it put a slight angle on the edge roughly 30*) you then glue the foam design to the box, and glue your fabric over it. Use a felt-like matterial it will be easier to work over the foam smooth out the edges and use slight tension to keep the wrinkles out. Basically that is it. I would suggest practicing a little before trying it.

my friend thinks he came up with a some what good idea, and i agree. After we carpet the box, we cut out the piece that i want to have a design in. When we get the carpet out we lay it ontop of another peice of wood. Cut out the wood in that design... so it fits where that piece of carpet was cut out and paint the wood and glue it down... that way it will be raised

anyone else have something to make that work any better?
