brake light socket replacement | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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brake light socket replacement


January 27, 2003
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98 sport
The previous owners of my 98 explorer sport must of broke the brake light socket, the light will jiggle around in there and lose contact, thus causing it not to work. I can see where some of the plastic has broke off and that is what makes it not work. I took black tape once and wrapped it around the actual bulb its self, and this worked for a while until the tape got too hot.

Anyone know a place to pick one of these up? I don't need the whole wiring, just the socket piece that the actual bulb snaps down into.

I can take a picture of the thing if your unclear on what I am talking about.

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yeah the bulb socket is a stock replacement item.
The bulb plugs into the socket and the socket plugs into the connector on the harness.

I tried to get a replacement socket for my passenger side fog the other day. I hit a stealership and they said I had to buy the entire foglight assembly. What a joke. It's a small, standalone component too. I ended up "fixing" it, but how long it will last is anyone's guess (bad connection). I'll score an assembly on eBay before I get gouged by a dealer.

I just paid $20 Can for one that was gone on mine, at the dealership. Couldn't get one at the jobber stores.

I just paid $20 Can for one, at the dealer. Could not get one anywhere else.

junkyard. 5 bucks!

I tried to get a replacement socket for my passenger side fog the other day. I hit a stealership and they said I had to buy the entire foglight assembly. What a joke. It's a small, standalone component too. I ended up "fixing" it, but how long it will last is anyone's guess (bad connection). I'll score an assembly on eBay before I get gouged by a dealer.

Celly, Auto zone has replacement sockets for the fog light bulbs in stock. I don't know if you have one nearby though.
