Brushguard Winch Mounts! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brushguard Winch Mounts!


Explorer Addict
March 23, 2003
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2008 XLT Ironman
Check out these brushguard/winch mount combos. They make them for 3rd Gens!!

Pretty heavy duty looking, I really like the "Gator" model.

One downside is that due to the way the supports are set up these won't work if you have a body lift.

The prices aren't too bad but due to the weight of these things the shipping is a bit pricey.

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Doesnt look strong enough... the winch applies a torsional force on the mount. The moment arm of that torsional force looks to be at least 15" from the pictures. for comparison, I had a winch mounted on 3/16" plate with about a 3" moment arm (the length of the winch's spool to its mounting "feet") and the 8000 lb winch was still able to deform the 3/16" flat plate to which the winch was bolted to.


if its mounted the way the old Warn Trans4mer winch mount brush guards were then they should be fine.. Just email them and ask them how it attaches to the frame..

I was wondering about that since it just looked like it bolted to the tow hook holes. What you can't tell from the pics is that there are two additional brackets that feed back through the air vent between the fog lights and mounts to the frame. Don't know if that's enough to make it winch-worthy though.

Here's the other specs:

- Full 5/16” Mild Steel Side Plates
- Grill Guard Tubes: 2 1/4"od x .083" Wall Mild Steel Tubing
- Brush Guard Hoops - Wrap-Around Style & Flat Style: 1 1/4"od x .083" Wall Mild Steel Tubing
- Winch Cradle and Fairlead Mount: 3/8” Mild Steel, Fully Integrated. Mount Hole Pattern 4.5” x 10”. 6K, 8K, 9K, 9.5K, 10K, 12K, 15K, 16K Winch Capacities.

Just buy a front receiver and call it a day. I just dont like the idea of driving around with a heavy winch all the time. The only time I keep my winch with me is when they are calling for a big storm or I'm heading up to the mountains. Plus with a front receiver you can move the winch from the front to the back. You never know if you will have something in front of you to hook up too. Also is rather have my winch on the rear when I'm off roading because I don't wanna lose any of my approach angle when I cross the creeks. Believe me the factory front suspension saggs about 2-3 inches when you add that winch. The rear sags about a half and inch lower with it on.

Yeah pretty quickly I started thinking about the fact that there would be a winch on there that wouldn't get used most of the time. Unless I went wheeling every single day it prob wouldn't be worth it for the increased cost and weight of the bumper and winch.

Guess I'll just stick with my tow hooks and get a hunter brush guard :p:

They do look cool but I'd have to agree a receiver would be a smarter idea anyway. I do enjoy the look of a brush guard though too.

Hell add both a receiver and grillguard looks and performance all in one.
