Buckshot Mudders??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Buckshot Mudders???

Has anyone run a set of Buckshot Mudders? Not the Maxxis ones, the ones made by Gateway Tire. I've read some stuff online that they are better than Boggers and are even a passable street tire if inflated properly but some input from my favorite Explorer forum would be nice too.

I'm not gonna lie, these look pretty hardcore:

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Anyone? I'm seriously considering these when I go up to 33's sometime this spring. I'm especially interested in the claims of them lasting "forever." Sounds like the compound is very hard so I guess that's why. Any opinions are welcome, whether you have run these tires or not.

Well, when someone says they are louder than a bogger I'd be scared LOL.

Seems like there was nothing but good reviews on that site. I've ran Swamper SSRs a bit on my Explorer as well as Nitto Mud Grapplers & Swampers on my F250s and they were LOUD, loud tires lose the "cool" factor pretty quick when your trying to talk on your cell phone or anything but for a hard core tire, they get it done.

I've done a little more searching and it seems like these tires are indeed unmatched in the mud, as well as anywhere else. apparently they've been in production for a few decades and are considered a "classic" mud tire now, although they sound a little hard to find.

we still use them on our light wheeled military vehicle and i have to say they are sick tires and last a long time even in 130+ degree heat. they are one of the longest lasting tires i have seen

Anyone? I'm seriously considering these when I go up to 33's sometime this spring. I'm especially interested in the claims of them lasting "forever." Sounds like the compound is very hard so I guess that's why. Any opinions are welcome, whether you have run these tires or not.
I'd stay away from very hard compounds. They may be great off road but they are probably going to suck as soon as the street gets wet. Its not all about tread pattern since most people spend more time on the street - hence, compound is probably more important for most. Also, military tires in general will be very harsh on the street - other than the stiff sidewall, I think their speed ratings are lower than most normal tires. Even rock crawlers in general would rather run an Interco or a BFG instead of a military tire because of the really stiff sidewall.

Thank you all for the opinions and comments. If I ever end up buying a set, I'll let everyone know how they work out

looks like the tires that you get at a farm store. they refer to them as co-ops around here. i bought a set for my ranger 4x and had to take them back because they were out of round. farm store tried to pull a fast one on me.

we still use them on our light wheeled military vehicle and i have to say they are sick tires and last a long time even in 130+ degree heat. they are one of the longest lasting tires i have seen

I was going to say the same thing, it's a standard military tread pattern. That tread pattern is EXTREMELY loud on the road. A good bogger will do better in wet areas from my experience tho.
