Bumper cover replacement | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bumper cover replacement

Kevin: Hopw you can answer ....

What is involved in replacing the front bumper cover on a '99 XLT? Also how about the chrome fog light "trim"?

Any idea of the parts cost? What about aftermarket parts?

Thanks .....

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such a nice truck is that fla, sun taking it's toll on it?

I am here. My comp got a virus, so I have not been on since Saturday :(

Well, aftermarket bumper covers are JUNK. They dont look right, they dont fit right.

The cover is pretty straight forward. four 21mm nuts and the bumper is in your lap.
I am 90% sure it is just push clips to remove the bumper cover from the reinforcement.
Buying a decent clip tool ( pannel poper ) would be in your best intrests. The fog lights I believe to be phillips screws. I think the trim is glued on so you might want to think about getting a new one for the left as well, since removing it just might be the death of it. I am not possitive about this though.

You might want to think about getting the smooth bumper cover as opposed to the textured, and painting it black or to match.

Lemmie know if I can help any more,,
