Burning oil after a botched oil change crankcase overfilled | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Burning oil after a botched oil change crankcase overfilled


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August 17, 2020
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2002 Ford Explorer XLS
I have an 2002 Ford Explorer with appx 178k miles 4.0l SOHC 2WD automatic XLS. My son performed an oil change and put in a 6 quart jug of oil and drove it approx 1 mile realized it was smoking bad (like Fogging for Mosquitoes bad) turned around came right home and shut it off. He called me and I got home and when I checked oil it was overfull. I drained out all the extra oil but something has been damaged. The vehicle continues to burn a lot of oil probably a quart a week it smokes quite a bit when oil is full. I have checked the PCV valve and hoses all is well. It is burning enough oil where in 2-3 weeks fouls a spark plug on the drivers side of engine. I am guessing this may be valve seals but i dont know if an over filled crankcase could have damaged these or can it be something else. I never noticed engine smoke before over full of oil.The vehicle has plenty of power when spark plugs are clean so I dont belive it the rings. I do see oil on top of intake from valve cover gaskets on passenger side but I don't think that can be getting into a cylinder on the drivers side. With this kind of mileage valve seal maybe too expensive Does anyone have any thoughts that are different.
Hoping for answers Thanks

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I didn't know oil came in 6qt jugs, I've only seen 5qt and 4qt.

What oil was put in? A search for 6qt is only coming up with Havoline not-so-SMART Change.

Here are the fluid capacities for future reference. I'm guessing some moron at a parts store told him the V8's capacity?


I agree. Largest jug is a 5 qt.

How much oil did you have to drain out for it to be right?

And about the only thing that I could see doing this is the pvc valve. I have seen 4.0’s fill up the air filter box with oil from a bad pvc valve. Just replace it and see what happens.


I didn't know oil came in 6qt jugs, I've only seen 5qt and 4qt.

What oil was put in? A search for 6qt is only coming up with Havoline not-so-SMART Change.

Here are the fluid capacities for future reference. I'm guessing some moron at a parts store told him the V8's capacity?

View attachment 320235
yes that was the oil alright 6 quart box. Should been 5 quarts in the V6 4.0L
