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Buying an Explorer Sport


July 20, 2004
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Newark, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
I'm sure this has been asked a million times with a vehicle and forum as popular as this one, but if you all could make sure I have my facts straight it would be much appreciated.

I am looking to purchase an 97-2003 Explorer Sport. I think I may have just cleared up some of my confusion about changes and updates to the Sport model when I was trying to determine what folder to post this in, and saw that the 2002-2005 Explorer folder says that "Sport" should use the 95-01 folder. I am going to be using the Sport for a mild off road rig, it will not get DD use, but realistically it will probably see more time on the road from my house to Home Depot and Lowes then it will the trail. I recently took my beater 92 Ford F250 Extended Cab, 8ft bed, 4x4 460EFI 5 speed on 35" tires on a "novice" trail ride with the Ohio4x4 Club and had a blast, but realized that it was about 6 feet too long and a foot too wide to hang well with all of the Jeeps. I would buy another Bronco as I had one for a short while and loved it, but its near impossible to find one that is cheap and not rusted out around the Ohio area. Plus the Explorer Sport will probably get slightly better mpg.

My general modifications plans would be about 5" Lift (TT/Shackles and Body Lift), and 33" tires. I would also like a LSD or locker in the rear, and that's about it. Maybe some minor things like skid plates, etc to protect the mechanicals. With that in mind is their any major differences between years for the Sport that would throw a monkey wrench in those plans.

1. I believe a read at one point there was one or two updates to the 4L V6 in the years I'm looking at. Does that apply to the the Sport, and if so does it make much of a difference.

2. Do all 97-2003 Sport models have a true 4WD system with 4 Low, or did the later years get an AWD system like the 4 door Explorers.

3. Is the rear end the same in all 97-2003 Sports. If not, is there a LSD or locker available for all of them?

4. Can the TT be done on all 97-2003 Sports to lift the front?

Any other recommendations or things to consider when shopping? All input is much appreciated. Thx.

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they had 2 different motors in them. 95-00 SOHC, and OHV. 01-03 SOHC only
all have 4 low function. i believe 97-00 if you wanted "true" 2wd, you had to do whats called "the brown wire mod" to them. they didnt have a 2wd setting. no sport had AWD unless you did a 5L swap, in which case you still can put a bw4406 in it.
97-00 some had LSD, and some didnt not sure about 01-03. the 8.8 is a common ford diff, so you can find any locker you want for them.
all can have a TT done to them
one difference in 95-00 sports vs. 01-03 was the earlier ones only had a mono leaf in them. however, you can swap them out for a 4 door leaf pack.

Good stuff. Thx man. I have two weeks vacation starting next week so I'm go to be test driving a few soon.

Just as an fyi, 4doors have 4low as well. The v8s have AWD

another thing is my 2001 sport 4x4 had splined axle ends,, meaning no hubs, front is always locked solid so no way to run without front axle always turning even when not in 4x4 mode. Good for offroading but hurts gas mpg in normal daily use.
