bye bye window | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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bye bye window


Well-Known Member
February 1, 2004
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City, State
stockton, california
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 xlt
today i went to get my check and decided to leave the car running with my stereo blasting about on 30<<=volume on my pioneer deck while i was inside, i come back out and drive down the street, well not to far down the street i look back to do a lane change then i notice my window shatter, from the inside out, well i stop my "x" get out and this is what i saw, a whole in the middle of the window, and the window looked like someone was trying to get out!! so tomarrow i am paying $200 to have it replaced the only thing i could think that did it was the stereo because if it was shot the glass wouldn't have pressed out, right??? well dunno but 200 tomarrow:(

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I dunno. I had 2 1000 watt 15's in the back of a 240z. They were inches from the windows, and they never broke. I used to be an installer, and I made custom boxes, never even heard of that. But hey, $h!t happens, you never know. First time for everything.

yeah it was weird cause i had the windows down and everything, but the glass was pushed out so..........

Probably got broken and then the bass knocked out the shattered glass

lol.... stranger things have happened, but I can constantly do 150db's on the new termlab sensor and although my glass flexes alot, it hasn't broken...

yeah but i dont see how you knwo i mean it was fine, there wasn't any objects found or anything, and the glass was pressed out!!! idk!!

so you left your vehicle running unattended, windows down and your system blaring, i'm suprised you even expected to have a car when you got back.

Yea. You can't even leave your doors unlocked why you pay for your gas here.

no way your subs were puttin out enough SPL to bust automotive glass.
That stuff is amazingly tough.

yeah same thing happened to my brothers expedition... he ws driving on the freeway when all of the sudden his rear side window broke (shatter proof glass)...

davesexplorer said:
I can constantly do 150db's on the new termlab sensor and although my glass flexes alot, it hasn't broken...

I'll save my old hearing aids for'll need them more than I do before too long.

150db's inside a vehicle is assinine, not to mention a pain in the ass for everyone outside.

Saleen_SR71 said:
yeah same thing happened to my brothers expedition... he ws driving on the freeway when all of the sudden his rear side window broke (shatter proof glass)...

Only the FRONT glass is shatter proof from the factory.
All other glass is soupose to shatter into tiny little bits.

SilverSL500 said:
I'll save my old hearing aids for'll need them more than I do before too long.

150db's inside a vehicle is assinine, not to mention a pain in the ass for everyone outside.

Dont be jealous ;) Just because my stereo can break the threshold of pain doesn't mean I blare it there all day every day :rolleyes: Go pick on all the kids that stock up on junk equipment and blare it at every redlight. :thumbsup:

I'll be the first and throw up the BS flag. Unless your window was made of paper, your system in itself, standalone, did not in fact "shatter" the glass. A combination of components caused this or this entire story is fake. Either way, the ball is in your court.

MONMIX said:
Only the FRONT glass is shatter proof from the factory.
All other glass is soupose to shatter into tiny little bits.

thats what i thought... but when i actually saw the window.. it was shattered in millions of pieces, but still one whole piece... the window on his truck costed like $700 or so to replace... it only had factory tint on it

No way in hell 2 10's shattered anything. The only stereo I have ever seen that could break glass was some guy my brother knew with 6 15's in an f-150. That thing was rediculous, he had to have the seat all the way forward, and looked like a goofball driving it. It was a repeat glass breaker though.

actually a bb can make a small hole on the outside and a larger hole on the inside, and with the bass, its easily possile it fell out... or if you were ont the freeway, the pressure could have been jsut right to get sucked out...

and side windows shatter, they do not hold together unless there is some type of tint coating on them..... all my side windows shattered when i rolled my x... the front widnshield broke, but just fell out..... and i can prove this with a picture.. ;)
the side windows all shattered out.... but if you look, you can see the windshield broken but in one piece on the ground towards the right of the picture...

EDIT: and i had factory tinted side windows too....


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too bad i dont have a picture... maybe it was tinted on the inside... i dont know... my brother bought it from a rental company and never tinted the windows

yeah there had to have been some aftermarket tint on the glass.

FWIW front windshields are actually two pieces of glass with plastic sandwhiched between the two.

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it actually takes upwards of 165 db to break most glass. 99% of people who say their stereo has broken windows are full of $hit.

in comparison every 3 db is twice as loud to the human ear. So on average 145 db is the threshold of pain. 20 db louder than that is essentially almost 14 times as loud. Usually takes atleast $10 000 in gear to get around that area.
SilverSL500 said:
I'll save my old hearing aids for'll need them more than I do before too long.

150db's inside a vehicle is assinine, not to mention a pain in the ass for everyone outside.
most responsible boomers care about their hearing and also care about the neighborhood around them. Sound proofing their vehicles and obviously not being idiots driving around late at night at high volumes with the windows down
