Caliper locked up | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Caliper locked up


New Member
June 8, 2006
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City, State
Yarmouth MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Eddie Bauer
i was driving my 05 ex and i started to smell something burning, but was driving behind an old truck that was clearly smoking oil, so i kept on drivn. when i got home about 5 min later, i see my rear right brake smoking. i had it chkd and dealer said it was fine. they said it was probably due to the wheel/tire combo. som granite alloys 17x8.5 with toyo at 275/60/17(had these on my parents 2wd navi, but got 20s for it, and it doesnt see any snow). When i mounted the wheels and tires, i chkd for clearance issues and everythng was fine, except the front, where the tires are VERY close to the upper control arm. my brother drove the car in the driveway, while i was walking next to the car to hear any rubbing issues but none.

Any ideas why caliper locked up?

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I doubt the tires would cause your caliper to lock up. I have heard of the parking brake pads coming apart inside the rotor. The only thing the tire and wheel combo should do is make it a little harder to slow down, causing more heat to be produced from the brake.

I've heard the internal emergency brake can lock up, that may be something to check...

i second the e brake locking up it happened to me about a month after i got my mountaineer

I was referring to the e brake when I said parking brake. So I third the e brake :)

those expensive pads seem to not holdup so well atleast mine didnt

i was driving my 05 ex and i started to smell something burning, but was driving behind an old truck that was clearly smoking oil, so i kept on drivn. when i got home about 5 min later, i see my rear right brake smoking. i had it chkd and dealer said it was fine. they said it was probably due to the wheel/tire combo. som granite alloys 17x8.5 with toyo at 275/60/17(had these on my parents 2wd navi, but got 20s for it, and it doesnt see any snow). When i mounted the wheels and tires, i chkd for clearance issues and everythng was fine, except the front, where the tires are VERY close to the upper control arm. my brother drove the car in the driveway, while i was walking next to the car to hear any rubbing issues but none.

Any ideas why caliper locked up?

not sure if you got it fixed yet. but this happened to front left on my 03 sport i brought to place i bought it they told me a bolt had fallen out of the calliper caused it to lock up

Holy crap:) Mine just started smoking the other day when I came to a stop. I was smelling something burn and noticed some smoke. Thought the ex was on FIRE!!! Well it's either the ebrake or caliper. I haven't had time to mess with it because it seems to come and go. It wasn't bothering me all week until today. When I get the chance to check it out, I will report on my findings since I seem to have the exact same problem as the OP:D

now u gys got me worried. i get a smell but just assumed it was from my worn tires

is it coming from the front limited?? could it be your E-fan is not providing enough cooling?

Just replaced both my rear calipers as the piston would intermittently sieze and the brake would get hot and i would notice it dragging as i drove. did the left first then 1k later the right went bye bye. never had a vehicle do that either. but my guess is thats your problem

Just replaced both my rear calipers as the piston would intermittently sieze and the brake would get hot and i would notice it dragging as i drove. did the left first then 1k later the right went bye bye. never had a vehicle do that either. but my guess is thats your problem

did you notice the sound the brake made when it was rubbing on the disc while you were driving?? i hear my brake rubbing when i thinking of just replacing the calipers

My caliper may be seizing as well. I have been to lazy to check anything out and with the heat here, I don't feel like spending any extra time outside.

I would definitely check the emergency brake. I was driving down the highway recently and my right rear sezied. Emergency brake had been stuck engaged and burned the rear wheel bearing causing it to seize. Bearing and hub are totally toasted, brake pads shot (just a thin pad not meant for stopping). Get it checked!

Anyone have any ideas why my emergency brake would get stuck engaged?
