Cam specs for a 97 5.0 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cam specs for a 97 5.0


Active Member
August 30, 2004
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San Diego, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT 5.0 AWD
Anyone know the stock cam specs for a 97 vintage 5.0. P series heads (if that makes a difference). Been searching the web...


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not sure but you might ask these guys:

under the V8 forum

Alot of guys run the Ford E-303 cam in this engine as an upgrade..

I think the E303 isn't the best choice for a heavy vehicle with a small engine. A cam with a 210* or so duration would give much better torque and wouldn't give up any HP below 5500.

Anyway, back to the orginal question - does anyone know the stock cam specs?

I'd like to know also. I understand that the 89-93 HO cam was in the 204 degree range. I doubt that the Explorer 302 is more than that. I agree, don't get a FMS cam, they are all too large for a stockish, 4500lbs. truck.

Nobody knows the stock cam specs? Anyone?

In. 0.2637" lift Ex. 0.2801" lift Thats what my chilton book has but no duratration

Assuming all of the Explorer cam spec's are the same for all years....

Intake: .422", Exhaust .448" (measured valve lift)
Intake: 256*, Exhaust 266* (actual duration, NOT at .050")
116* lobe seperation

For comparison, the stock 5.0 HO cam:

Intake: .444", Exhaust .444"
Intake: 266*, Exhaust 266*
unlisted lobe seperation

Hope this helps!


I would believe that. See the most telling feature, the intake duration is ten degrees less than the exhaust. If you get a new cam, be sure that it is a split duration cam. The Ford performance cams are all in the 220+ range, @.50, which is way too much intake duration for a 4500 pound truck 302.

Try to find a cam with intake duration in the stock Mustang range, say 204-210 degrees, with a good ten more for the exhaust. Good luck,

I found specs for the H.O. to be as follows for 89-92 Mustang -
272*, 211*@.050, .437 lift - intake and exhaust are the same, with a 115* lobe center. And everyone agrees that the Ex cam is whimpy compared to that.

There are 2 cams I am considering -
Crower 212HR212
275*, 212*@.050, .531 lift - intake and exhaust the same, with a 114* lobe center.

Crane 444211
262*, 208*@.050, .530 lift intake
270*, 216*@.050, .530 lift exhaust
114* lobe center.

I'm leaning towards the Crane. I have a similar grind in the SBC in my Jeep, and it makes amazing torque from idle up to 5500 rpm.

Those are interesting. Consider this also. I installed a Wolverine cam(WG-1190) into a 95 Cobra 302 engine. The engine I rebuilt from my 91 LSC with stock compression. That cam was very good for a NA street 302.

The duration is 212/222 @0.50 lift. Lift was 493/510, I still have the box, and I wish I could get the cam back. They blew a head gasket with NOS, after a year. I don't think they used the same cam. They were the Motorsports type, liking the factory loping letter cams. Regards,
