Can you help me verify a part # ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Can you help me verify a part # ?


Elite Ranger
Staff member
Elite Explorer
July 14, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Omao, Kauai
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Ranger XLT 4X4
I want to replace the brake pedal assembly on my 93 Ranger. I found a part number here: and here: part # 6L5Z2455BB. Everyone in these two threads happens to have a 98.
I search the part online and can't find what years that part fits. I called the dealer parts desk, and they say it's listed as 2000something and newer. I ask for the number for a 93 and he says it shows as discontinued by Ford.

I would bet that Ford didn't change anything over the years, but does anyone have a way to tell for sure what years that part # fits?


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...Bear with me as I'm not home,dealers are closed, and I'm on battery..:(..Will find more info for you if no one else replies..;)

..I found you a used one..:dunno:|Make:Ford&hash=item3a60aba226

..While this guy has the PN but no description of what vehicle it fits...It's new and cheaper..

...For year match I found 95-06

...But I would call the dealership first..

Well since a '93+ Ranger and '95+ Explorers use the same dash, I would think the firewalls are almost the same (I'll find out soon enough in my Swap:rolleyes:) So the it would not surprise me that it is the same part number or it would fit.

The '95 Ranger cab we have is just a shell, so I can't cross reference from that, but I could see if it looks like the the firewall of the Ex is the same as it.

...The 93-94 Ranger have the newer body style like the 95-97 Ranger but, they have the dash like a first gen X..

...I was bored so I went looking to check out the local Ford dealer where I'm at..(Everyone does that right? :shifty_ey )..I had them look up a 93 Ranger clutch pedal assembly and they came up with an obsolete item with part number F2TZ-7519-c..

..I did ask the guy to run it against a 95 Ranger and he said it was obsolete also...He said it was the same but I wouldn't trust him...I think he went to the same School of "Well, Let's see" that most of the counter guys go to...:rolleyes:

...Not much help but a junkyard or a rebuild may be in order...:dunno:

Thanks, Ted and Steve!
Ted, I don't want to go with a used part. Did you see the pics in the second link I posted? I'm thinking mine's looking like that (can't tell till it's out) and any used part will be some kind of worn...
I'm thinking of trying the 1995 year part, but want to see if it's returnable. At the dealer, it's special order, no returns. I doubt Ford changed the shape of the firewall from 93 to 95, but... :dunno:

I doubt Ford changed the shape of the firewall from 93 to 95, but...

..There's one way to find out...Want to meet up at Pedro's for breakfast burrito's?

..I have done a bunch of searching and couldn't find anything else..:(..I did notice that your second link say's that item is for a 95-03..:dunno:

Thanks, Ted and Steve!
Ted, I don't want to go with a used part. Did you see the pics in the second link I posted? I'm thinking mine's looking like that (can't tell till it's out) and any used part will be some kind of worn...
I'm thinking of trying the 1995 year part, but want to see if it's returnable. At the dealer, it's special order, no returns. I doubt Ford changed the shape of the firewall from 93 to 95, but... :dunno:

I could have zukmam take a pic of the firewall on our '95. It's bare no dash in the way:D

..Hey..:shifty_ey..Don't be a Breakfast Burrito Blocker..:nono:

