CARBON FIBER - please help ! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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CARBON FIBER - please help !


Well-Known Member
November 25, 2002
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'99 Sport
Ok well no one has responded to this question on the general board so ill ask here. Were can I get the Carbon Fiber Interior and Mirrors Like frank Rizzo has from saleen ???????

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Have you PMed FrankRizzo and asked him?


also: please just bump your original thread, don't start another on the exact same subject

I just PMed him.

I can't delete it. When I tried to delete the old post it said I couldn't. Maybe the admin will?!

One of my friends builds composite, kevlar and carbon body pieces for imports. I'll get his email and maybe he can hook you up

What the heck is a PMed?

How do you get 123 posts in a month?

The mirrors are a one-off thing from Saleen. They made about 25 pairs, and offered them as a option on the XP8 Package for $375 (I think). Like so much of the Saleen parts, they don't exist anymore. I gotta pair (used) when they were blowing out all the "old" Explorer stuff a year ago. They are real carbon, which is great because I can really feel the 6 oz weight reduction in the performance!

Rick ( was selling one mirror on Ebay a couple of months ago. He might still have it. Do a search on Ebay under parts and Acc. for Saleen + Explorer. I think he was selling the door sills from an XP8 a while back. He's from San Diego


Originally posted by FrankRizzo
How do you get 123 posts in a month?
Don't you mean 5 days? Look out aldive!!

Hey Frank, where did you get the carbon fiber interior trim. It looks sweet.

Same Deal. I got it at Saleen on close out. It's not as good as some of the other sets i see, It's only 5 pieces - the dash and 4 arm rests. I got it and the Saleen pedals for like $50 - same story - it's all gone now.

What the heck is a PMed?

Private message

How do you get 123 posts in a month?

Im excited about my truck, thats all there is too it.

Dude, Your truck looks so bad ass. Know of anyone who makes carbon fiber mirrors for X's but Saleen? Thanks

One of my friends builds composite, kevlar and carbon body pieces for imports. I'll get his email and maybe he can hook you up

Thanks man ! :D I cant spend 50000000000000 bux
tho. :D

Man, damn saleen. :mad:

Thanks for the compliments.

Email the guy that is selling this stuff.
If anybody has extra Saleen parts, it's him - but they wont be cheap.

Dead Link Removed

His name is Rick

thanks man, Ill be sure to check it out.

go to they make all kinds of parts for the saleen mustang. i emailed them a while ago for carbon fiber pieces for my xp8. but just to let you know, they are EXPENSIVE! i was going to have the radio bezel and armrests done in real carbon fiber. but he wanted $1100 to do it(over $500 just for the radio bezel). he also wanted $350 each for the mirrors. but if you are willing to pay, he could make anything.

wow thats a sh*t load ! Dude check out they have what I wanted. Maybe you could get yours there. Its sweet looking !

yeah but you know what- the real carbon fiber kits that truckperformance are flat kits. i don't know anybody that actually sells real molded carbon fiber kits. all the ones i have seen are custom made. there are companies that make molded carbon kits, but they are not real carbon fiber. it is a print that looks like carbon fiber. i don't know what you are exactly looking for, but i was looking for real molded carbon fiber.

Originally posted by FrankRizzo
They are real carbon, which is great because I can really feel the 6 oz weight reduction in the performance!

hahaha :D i love sarcasm

Looks like this seller on eBay has some money, blah from my Range Rover, blah from my Saleen Mustang, or he just feels every part he finds at the junk yard is a part out of his car ... Got some awesome items though!

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