Cargo Mat for 2011 Ex. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cargo Mat for 2011 Ex.


Elite Explorer
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December 28, 2010
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Russell, Ontario (Ottawa area)
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2023 Aviator Reserve 201A
One of the first things I usually do for my new vehicles is to get a protective cargo mat to cover the back and third row seats. I checked with the dealer and they don't even have any info on optional products for the 2011 yet. They said that they also had no cargo mat listed for the 2010 either so I'm of the impression that Ford does not offer these. WeatherTech does show one for the 2010 but I'm wondering if it may be too narrow given the 2011 is 5" wider.
Just wondering if anyone is in a similar situation or has any information that may help. Thanks.

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Call WeatherTech- they may have something in development coming out shortly... Since the actual vehicles haven't been out that long, and it seemed like this wasn't one of the vehicles that Ford offered out for specs to the aftermarket due to the hyper-secure reveal, they may have only gotten their hands on it recently. I'd bet they have something cooking.

Call WeatherTech- they may have something in development coming out shortly... Since the actual vehicles haven't been out that long, and it seemed like this wasn't one of the vehicles that Ford offered out for specs to the aftermarket due to the hyper-secure reveal, they may have only gotten their hands on it recently. I'd bet they have something cooking.
Thanks, Joe. I have an e-mail into them and will share the results when I receive a response. I haven't received a 'build date' yet so I'm not expecting a delivery until likely late February or early March. Hopefully someone will have a mat for it by then.

I've been checking every couple weeks since last October. I figure with any new model it will be some time before they get products out.

I do know that they tend to have things available before it hits the website, so the reply would be interesting... Ran into that with my Dad's 2010 F150...

Someone early this week on the fb page said they called weathertech and were told 4 to 6 weeks before they would be selling them.

Someone early this week on the fb page said they called weathertech and were told 4 to 6 weeks before they would be selling them.
Thanks for the info Mishtar. That could be around the time that I would get the Ex. No news yet on build date.

Ford makes one. I bought mine today. It fits perfectly and has EXPLORER imprinted on it as well. Cost was 130$ CAD



Ford makes one. I bought mine today. It fits perfectly and has EXPLORER imprinted on it as well. Cost was 130$ CAD

Unfortunately Ford was a bit late coming to market with theirs. Bought my Husky mat for $99 CDN in the meantime since I didn't want to wait. A lot of Husky and Weathertech mats were bought before Ford finally jumped on the band wagon. Somebody sure dropped the ball on that one!

CDN, where did you get the mat? i looked on ford's site and don't see it listed.... do they just have it at the dealership ?

edit: disregard, i found it.... i thought the picture shown was for the cargo shade

Just check your local ford dealer parts Dept. I got mine after I bought my Ex for $100. Prices can vary by shop. Works great and matches with my weathertechs that are up front.

CDN, where did you get the mat? i looked on ford's site and don't see it listed.... do they just have it at the dealership ?

edit: disregard, i found it.... i thought the picture shown was for the cargo shade

CDN, where did you get the mat? i looked on ford's site and don't see it listed.... do they just have it at the dealership ?

edit: disregard, i found it.... i thought the picture shown was for the cargo shade

Can you help me find it then? I can't find it on Thank you.

Hi all

Anybody find a mat for the cargo well area when the thrird row is up?

Hi all

Anybody find a mat for the cargo well area when the thrird row is up?
I know this was discussed quite a while ago and someone did have a mat for the well area. Not sure where it was obtained from but I know that Husky ( does carry it. Part #23791 and it is $99.95 and available in black or grey. I believe that is in Canadian funds. When I went to pick up my cargo mat from a distributor, that is the price I was quoted. I thought it was a little expensive at the time and didn't bother with it since my 3rd seats are always folded down

Whoops, guess I need glasses, too, sorry

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