CB problemo | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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CB problemo

May 18, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
San Diego, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Sport 4x4

above is my newly purchased 1st gen X. Notice on the side there is a mount, I'd like to hook up a CB radio but I don't know the first place to start (it didn't come with the antennae either)

thanks a bunch


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well first you want to look inside and see if there is any coax cable hooked up to that ball mount. if there is you have to find the other end some where up near the dash board area I would say.

then you just need to find out what antenna you want to use.

I run a 102" stainless steel whip on mine. but you can run a fire stick if you want.

go pick out a radio to run on it. and hook it up!

the last step is to get the antenna matched to the radio so you don't blow it up and you will be good to go!

awesome thanks for the help man, I would have probably ended up using it as a canoe tie off if I didn't figure it out haha

I mounted mine to the driver side rear bumper. the cable runs up through the tail light and all the way up to the front driver side dash board by the sill plates.
and I have my radio attached to the console.

that's an awesome X man, very ingenious mount placement. diggin the license plate too

man I miss PA, used to live in Lock Haven ever hear of it?

that is out west PA I'm just north west of Philly

thanks for comp on the X!

it is a work in progress for sure.

yup yup west of philly for sure, north central PA or whatever haha.

no problemo dude how long have you had it?

I've had it about 8-9 years now I guess.

and no major problems knock on wood

lucky man my check engine light just came on
