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cb with black face

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Also look at a K-40 CB. They are small, have a black face, and are supposed to be one of if not the best on the market. They only make one model, and it is quite small (don't know where you were planning on mounting it.)

I'm planning on taking the ash tray out (since all it does is hold about ten dollars in pennies)and making a platform of some sort for it.Gotta love Dremel tools.Thanx

I mounted my CB in the ash tray - if the radio is small enough (and you have a 91-94 Explorer), you can use the existing ash tray frame to mount the radio to the dash. Then all you need to do is make a faceplate, to fill in the opening. If the radio doesn't fit in the frame, you will need to make some mounting "ears" to hold the radio to the dash (which is how I mounted my radio).

Hey Scott what kind of CB do you have and do you know were
to find a K-40 I've looked everywere?


Currently, I have a Midland, but am going to replace it with a K40. The Midland is a good radio, but has a brown face. After almost 7 years, I'm ready for a change.

K40 doesn't allow just anyone to sell their product. Get hold of the company, and ask for a list of dealers. I believe they are located in Illinois - I have the phone number at home, but can get it if you want me to.

Ya that would be great k-40 is a bad ass company of course you've their radar detector.
