CEL is on, does autozone have a reader.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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CEL is on, does autozone have a reader....


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April 2, 2004
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Tampa, FL
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2007 EB V6 4x2
My CEL is on, does autozone have a reader you can use to read the code off the ECU? Thanks


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Anyone up for bets on the DPFE???

Autozone will read it for you for free..yes they sell code readers. kind of $$$ I got one at Harbor Freight for $39... :confused:

I bet one quick phone call to AutoZone could answer this question. :confused:

Will they tell me what the code means? i.e. what part is malfunctioning? The reader will give a number and then that has to be looked up correct? Thanks


Some of them AutoZone guys are too lazy to do the test. Watch out for them A-holes. The one I went to were two guys pointing at each other who should go outside in the cold and do the test. :rolleyes:

One thing that's good about this test is that it resets the computer. My CEL did not come back on after the test. Must've been a false alarm. It would've cost me $100 to fix.

They will tell you the code that is causing the check engine light to come on, but not necessarily what part is at fault... example, a code relating to an oxygen sensor, does not necessarily mean the sensor is faulty. If you tell us the code, we can likely direct you on where to look.

To follow up to both of Eneurb's posts, AZ is famous for telling you that you have an EGR code and that you need a new EGR Valve, which 90% of the time is false, you need a DPFE. Go to AZ, get the codes and write them down, then come here and post them. We will help from there. Don't buy ANYTHING from them on their reccomendation!!

Robb said:
To follow up to both of Eneurb's posts, AZ is famous for telling you that you have an EGR code and that you need a new EGR Valve, which 90% of the time is false, you need a DPFE. Go to AZ, get the codes and write them down, then come here and post them. We will help from there. Don't buy ANYTHING from them on their reccomendation!!

that exact thing happned to me about a month ago...code 402, came back here, searched and then went back and purchased a dpfe sensor, all was better.....the idiots at the desk didnt know what a dpfe sensor was, i had to show them a PICTURE out of my haynes manual :fire:
