change 96 hood latch to a 98+? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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change 96 hood latch to a 98+?

Recently, I noticed my brother had the OEM mesh behind the grill. I asked him how he opened the hood, since there is no access with the mesh grill in place. He simply popped the hood, and the release was accessed once the hood popped up, instead of through the grill holes like on my 96.

Jimbo74 mentioned the difference in this post:

Are these hood latches interchangeable?

I have the OEM mesh grill in my garage to install sometime in the future...

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I dont know if they are.
Best case would be replacing the cable as well with no further mods needed, but again I dont know.

I would be currious to know for sure.

I was hoping you would chime in.

I plan to pick one up in the junkyard, and see what it takes to swap them...

They are. I installed a '98 latch into mine because of the billet grille. I think I have a thread on it. I'll see if I can find it.

Can't find anything. But, all you need is the upper and lower portions of the latch, and then take the whole plastic sill on top to make it look factory. My local JY charged me about $10 for everything.

Here you go, Toy.

I think stock.. there is a loop type deal on the top? Right? So you swap that out with the hook and lever.

Then below you install the release and the.. new loop.. catch.. dealio... where the hold release latch was.

Don't forget about the new hood sill.



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Thanks section525 :thumbsup:

Exactly what I needed to see.

is a hood from a 95 the same ?? ( yeah,I have a 95 hood on a 99 Sport )

looking at the pics and then at my hood,I don't see what/how you bolted the secondary latch:confused:

What do you mean exactly? All the '98+ stuff bolted right up to my '96. I didn't have to mod anything.

What do you mean by the secondary latch?

I think he means the safety catch you press after pulling the release cable in the cab.

It appears that the newer ones the catch is on the hood, so it all is up top. In the picture he posted, it looks like you simply pull that catch up and lift.

What do you mean exactly? All the '98+ stuff bolted right up to my '96. I didn't have to mod anything.

What do you mean by the secondary latch?

1st pic you posted= secondary/upper latch. There are NO holes there on my hood to mount that latch that I seen

They're the same holes your "loop" is mounted with.

there's no "loop" there either

this is a 99 with what I'm pretty sure is a 95 hood. The lower looks just like the 2nd pic,but the hood doesn't have nor does it even look like there was ever anything mounted in the spot you have the upper latch on yours.

I'll look at it closer in the light tomorrow and take a pic if I can find a camera

How does your hood stay closed then?

with duct tape hah
anyways Section525 Im heading up ur way tomarrow, Im gonna hit up Nobbys again. mm good burgers. then going to ronita's to get some fresh ink. Will being staying right off skyway in paradise.

with duct tape hah
anyways Section525 Im heading up ur way tomarrow, Im gonna hit up Nobbys again. mm good burgers. then going to ronita's to get some fresh ink. Will being staying right off skyway in paradise.

Ha! I'm going your way tomorrow. Taking some stuff down to Fremont.

They over-hauled nobby's about a month ago. Looks all nice and new. :thumbsup:

nope, no duct tape

the lower primary latch,what else...
but it that ever fails going 70 down the highway:eek:........thats all the other latch part is for,a "safety catch" in case the primary/main latch fails

(dead links)

nope, no duct tape

the lower primary latch,what else...
but it that ever fails going 70 down the highway:eek:........thats all the other latch part is for,a "safety catch" in case the primary/main latch fails

(dead links)

You're right. There was no loop up top on mine. I must have been thinking about my pickup or something. :eek:

Well, I know I didn't drill and tap any holes for the new latch. But obviously yours does not have them. Hmmm...

I've been searching the internet for some pictures.. but I haven't found anything. I guess one possibility is they changed the hood after '95. Or maybe I have a 98+ hood on since I did wad my Explorer up in '99? :confused:

But I have read of other people doing this mod.

toypaseo - have you looked under your hood yet? :D

Found a picture from before I did the mod:


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That '95 hood latch looks the same as the first gen latch setup does. My guess is that it was changed in '96 since '95 was the weird transition year.

Edit: Well, maybe not, Section posted before me. I guess that same latch style was used until '98
