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Explorer Addict
January 25, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Louisville, Kentucky
Year, Model & Trim Level
86-98 Ranger STX
Hey guys,

I have to be in Chicago for meetings tomorrow morning -- right in the heart of the loop at the Federal Reserve Bank building on 230 LaSalle St.

Any heads up about parking, traffic at 6:30 am, etc.?

Sure would appreciate hearing from someone that knows what I'm gonna find when I get there.

Driving is no big deal -- the directions are clear. I just don't know about the rest, like the walk involved, etc.


Driving... DON't!! Rush hour starts around 4:30 and ends around noon, then starts again around 2:30 and runs 'til 7. :)

Haven't been there in a few years myself, but public transportation rocks!


Made it ok. Even drove right down to my location and parked (well, let my car BE parked) in a parking structure. Cost me $21 for the pleasure, but that was cheaper than a cab both ways. The train is probably better, but if you don't know the rail lines and where to hop on and off, I expect that it could be quite a ride. :thumbdwn:

I expected the drive out to be a nightmare, but it was actually smooth sailing -- and right at 5 pm. It got a little bit backed up on the 41N bypass, but I stopped for dinner at the Blue Moon Diner (AWESOME FOOD) and by the time I was done eating, it was a good ride all the way back to Fond du Lac.
