Cheap lift for 1996 explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cheap lift for 1996 explorer?


October 11, 2004
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1996 explorer
Can anyone help me find a cheap lift kit for a 1996 explorer with 4wd? I saw that there was a spindle lift and I could not find them online, so if anyone has any links can you please help me out. Thanks

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You have a few choices depending on the desired amount of lift.
If you wanna lift it a few inches to get 31s on, you can crank on the torsion bars & add lift shackles to get you about 1.5-2" for about $60. If you want a little more lift to get 33s on, you can get a 3" body lift for the Ranger Performance Accessories part # 853 for about $150 and use the above mentioned torsion bar & shackles lift. You can also get the 4" superlift which runs about $1200 to clear 33s or 34s.

where have you seen the superlift kit for 1200?? ive ojnly seen it for 1550-2000

great thanks a lot. Do you have a link to where I can find the body lift? I did a search and all I could find was accesories for ford rangers. Thanks again

try i got a cheap 3" ranger BL there. this was cheapest one i found

ok so the ranger lifts will work on an explorer because i havent been able to find anythng for 98' explorer i was looking for about a 4" lift..

the Body lifts will work with some mods but a suspension lift i dont know about

Nope...Ranger lifts won't work on an Explorer. If they did, I would think somebody on here would have done it by now. The only suspension lift option you have is the Superlift one.

benlauer, you mentioned a spindle lift in the first post. Spindle lifts are only for 2WD trucks. Your options for lifting are TT/Shackles (search for those things and you'll find more info then you'll ever need), a modified Ranger body lift, the 4" Superlift, and swapping in a solid axle.

I think that someone has used the trailmaster 4" kit for a ranger on there explorer....Ray labato has. A ranger and explorer has the same front suspension I beleive and the rear is the only difference. Explorer=spring under, Ranger=spring over.
