Cheapest Place to Get ClearCorners? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cheapest Place to Get ClearCorners?

Is there a place that has a the standard cheapest price on clearcorners for a 91-94? Word on this site makes it sound like is the way to go. What about ebay, or another site? Thanks for any help.

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Originally posted by GermFord
Word on this site makes it sound like is the way to go.

I have no clue where you got that idea from, the general concensus is quite the opposite. ProCarParts is a VERY BAD retailer and ebayer.

Pacific IE

^^^This is the place you want to get your clears from.


I dunno, it just seemed like the most mentioned place, maybe i interpreted wrong. However, procarparts sells them for $40 and the link to the place above was for $60. If there's that biig a difference i'll go with procarparts. Thanks, keep posting opinions...

yeah, im with hartman on the vote for pacific ie.

Pro car parts SAYS they'll sell them for $40. You can send them your money but there is no guarantee they will send you the cornors. Matter of fact they probably won't.
One piece of advice. Stay the hell away from pro car parts.

Originally posted by Bill Kemp
Pro car parts SAYS they'll sell them for $40. You can send them your money but there is no guarantee they will send you the cornors. Matter of fact they probably won't.
One piece of advice. Stay the hell away from pro car parts.

Not only that, even if they DO complete the transaction, expect some ****ty clears that leak and turn gray real quick. Pay the extra $20 and get some QUALITY clear corners, there's a reason why ProCarParts sells them for $40.

Good Thing

Thanks a lot guys, man I'm lucky I asked! I guess i'm not goin with procarparts, thanks for all the help.

One more thing, does pacific include the amber lights needed to make them legal, or are the lights in there already amber? If not, how much do they usually cost?

i dont know if pacific gives you new bulbs, but most people just use the stock bulbs that are already in there. i plan on doing the same.

Thanks, yeah I plan on keeping the originals, just wondering if they came.

Got 'EM!

I went on ebay yesterday and got a set of clear corners from pacific ie for about 68 bucks total. It was at $53 and had a buy it now for $55 so i just did it instead of waiting another two days. Lookin forward to gettin them. Is installation a hassle or what? Seems pretty simple, pop off the old, pop on the new right? Lemme know if u've had experience. Thanks...

Yeah, simply remove the two screws and pop em out, swap the new ones in.

Where are those screws located at?Do you have to take the grill out?
