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Check Engine Light always on, Computer broken

There is a small cap on the side of the IAC that might have popped off. This could be causing your problem. By the way, I didn't know that AutoZone sold seafoam. Maybe the stores in your area carry a different line of manufacturers.

thanks brooklynbay, yes they do sell seafoam, i used the deep creep in the tb. and well, yes i made sure to be extra careful with that cap. i am happy to report that the howl has gone away! after cleaning it over with the electrical cleaner and cutting some new felt for the filter, it howled for a good 10 miles off and on. but now im pretty sure it has gone away for good. THANK GOD! I don't know if it was the elec. spray that did it or if it just needed to be driven and dried for it to go away but i just saved $75......for now...

THank you all for all the help given from this site and personal replies.

anyway back to my original project of replacing the check engine computer. anyone have extensive knowledge in this area? im trying to get back to my original 18/21 mpg ratings at least. and want the security of knowing when there is a reason for the light to be on. would getting this from ebay work if i just replaced it. would i need to get someone to program the thing?

There is a special TB cleaner that says fuel injection safe. The bottles of carb cleaner say that it's not recommeneded for fuel injected vehicles with oxygen sensors. Maybe it had something to do with that CEL?

I had the same problem and found this thread (the woooo sound).

In this thread the guy has a video of the same problem, here is the link to the video.

I know that the Schucks near me has a computer you can borrow if you give them your drivers license. When you check codes make sure the key is in the ON position, also make sure you have the right harness. There are 2 different OBDII harnesses, one works on mine one does not work at all. Both are labeled OBDII, one is blue, one is yellow. I think the blue one works on mine (explorer 1996).

Hope this helps :)
