check engine light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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check engine light


New Member
November 30, 2006
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City, State
St.Paul Minnesota
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLS
Hey guys,
First of all thanks for reading this. I have a bit of a problem with the light. It just pop up like 2 weeks ago. The engine runs fine like before. The exhaust pipe smells the same. There's no white smoke whatsoever.
Should I worry about it?
Could it be just a tiny emission problem that the computer detected?
And should I visit the shop to scan for problem code or should I just unplug the battery to see if it would pop up again?
Thanks in advance guys,

ps. it's a 00 explorer xls.

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get the codes read then repost the codes then someone can help autozone will read them for free

Thanks a lot.
It says "system too lean" and the codes are
P0171 and P0174.
Any suggestion?

Search the forums. There's a ton of info regarding those codes.

Likely an intake manifold leak. As mentioned, do a little homework here, you'll find TONS of info....

There is even a forum devoted to automobile computers (PCM's) and all things related.
