Cle Elum Meet Sept. 9-10 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cle Elum Meet Sept. 9-10

moose1 said:
how hard are the trails for he evans creek event(only have 31-10.5 with tt and shackels)
I don't think you want to do Evans :eek: unless you like 'Cascade Pinstriping'

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albino are you still going.

Just map quested it 2hr 53 minutes for me.

We should all meet arround Snoqualmie looks to be the are were north and south of seattle people can meet. then follow 90 to the park. Just an idea

It's starting to look more and more that I will not be at the bonneville salt flats this weekend. Hence it's looking more and more that I'll be able to attend :confused: :p

As it sits right now, yes I'm still planning on going Friday morning. I'm not sure if I will have Wonder Boy or Monster Mutt but probably will, so not much beer for me. :rolleyes:

Kevin, I can leave here, get there, wheel both days and get home on 1 tank of gas but we might want to 'top off' in Roslyn for the trip home. I know I have a head start on everyone, that's one reason I like it there :p

I was thinking of going there on friday also, but be there at like 4 or 5 in the evening.

96ExplorerXL4x4 said:
It's starting to look more and more that I will not be at the bonneville salt flats this weekend. Hence it's looking more and more that I'll be able to attend :confused: :p

You should definintly go to this , utah is to far :D :D :D . I got the expo ready for some wheeling.

moose1 said:
You should definintly go to this , utah is to far :D :D :D . I got the expo ready for some wheeling.

wait a minute... So we arn't going for the lowerd look now?

moose1 said:
Come on you can do it just save for it, lol.....You have 3 pay periods...

Three pay periods devided between the wife, two kids, one on the way due in one week, several unfinished house projects, and bills. :eek: :confused:

96ExplorerXL4x4 said:
wait a minute... So we arn't going for the lowerd look now?

LOL....... :navajo: :thumbsup: thats all im saying.

Diff I hear ya....Itll be good if you go but if not ahhhh well just concider you antisocil or that me feet smell. Congrats on the baby on the way.

Diff Whack Daddy said:
Three pay periods devided between the wife, two kids, one on the way due in one week, several unfinished house projects, and bills. :eek: :confused:
I can finance it for you :D :D :D :D We have an 'Improved Value' program now that will base your equity on the value 'AFTER' you build your shop. :thumbsup:

LOl......Albino I like the way you think...kinda a small investment now for future pay out. Albino pm me so i can give you my contact info. I want to get there on friday so if you will be there ill meet up with you.

Anyone else bringing the family, my wife wants to go.

moose1 said:
Anyone else bringing the family, my wife wants to go.

Don't have family, or one of my own :p might bring the G/F

bring the my wife can have company

Albino 94LTD said:
I can finance it for you :D :D :D :D We have an 'Improved Value' program now that will base your equity on the value 'AFTER' you build your shop. :thumbsup:

I might just show up then to talk to you about that. :eek: :D

Is someone going to post directions, cb channel, and meeting points?

moose1, I'm in Mount Vernon if you want to caravan.

diff sounds good, I was thinking of going on Friday mourning or later in the day, wich day do you want to head up there?

The trail head is at;

There should be enough spots far enough off the road for everyone.

The preferrable spots are at ***-**-** ***-**-** ;)

My CB is in the pony so I'll have handhelds.

I confused by the code......

moose1 said:
diff sounds good, I was thinking of going on Friday mourning or later in the day, wich day do you want to head up there?

meet up with you guys in north bend to head over the pass? :thumbsup: :thumbdwn:

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Sounds good to me, are you going on friday?
