Cle Elum Meet Sept. 9-10 | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cle Elum Meet Sept. 9-10

moose1 said:
Sounds good to me, are you going on friday?

If I get to go I will leave friday.

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cool than we can just make a time to meet to head the rest of the way, I think if diff is going i will caravan with him, if he is going to go on friday.

 lameman terms.

ahhh thanks, so dreamr are you going?

I am not sure what time I will get off. Some fridays are early, some are late. Usually by noon, home by 1, on the road by 2 or so. Moose1, I will pm you later and give you my number so we can work out the details. The best would be for me to call you when I leave Whidbey and just have you meet me at my house and we'll head out from there.

Diff sounds good, ill be on the island anyway so I could just follow you or what not, well figure it out.

Dreamr is being mysterious about going or not.

moose1 said:
Dreamr is being mysterious about going or not.

Not really, it is just a month and a half away so I am not thinking that far ahead yet. See I was supposed to be out of town, then I had to cancel my camping plans for a buisiness conference in Wenatchee, then that got moved to the end of September......and Shiloh wants to fly to Florida to see her newest niece in early Sept.

Long and short of it is that I do not seem to have any say in what I am doing in Sept. So I am waiting to see what happens before I commit to anything.

Realisticaly I want to fly to florida and go play in the swamps with her sis's husband who is a hydrogeologist and very familiar with the "wilderness"

wow you got a busy month ahead of you. So this area is there mud and such or is it just dry rocky stuff?

So let me get this strait. The current plan is to meet on the trail head somewhere on the 301 road, correct? I will be bringing my F-350 with camper and trailer so please consider that when chosing a camp site. I am just trying to figure out out to get there and best I can tell the 301 is off Cle Elum Valley Rd.

I see the GPS coordinates, but if someone can post a good set of directions for people coming from the Everett are, that would be great. Thanks

Follow I-90 to Roslyn
Get off in Roslyn and head in toward the Salmon LeSac Campground. (can't miss the signage)
After the campground the road splits you want to take the right road up the hills.
That's it follow the road and folks will be somewhere along there.

Y'all will likely need to have Phil's (Albino) assistance in finding actual trail heads as many are a bit obscure.

Hmm this is actually coming together........Hopefully time will allow me to pop out.

Diff i map quested the directions but am not sure how accurate they are. Im not sure the current plan either but im sure if your still want to ill caravan with you over.

Also what are the locations like for stores and such, im woundering if i should pack a cooler of food and drinks for the couple of days. Im have a grill i m going to bring and such.

moose1 said:
Diff i map quested the directions but am not sure how accurate they are. Im not sure the current plan either but im sure if your still want to ill caravan with you over.

Also what are the locations like for stores and such, im woundering if i should pack a cooler of food and drinks for the couple of days. Im have a grill i m going to bring and such.

The last services are in Roslyn a few miles back down the road

Albino 94LTD said:
As posted earlier, here are the Green Trail maps for the area. The heqad of the 301 is 7 miles out of the Salmon La Sac ranger station.

Yes you want to pack everything you'll need for the amount of time you intend to stay. You can drive back to town but it'll be 45-60 minutes round trip, minimum.

Kevin, there is ample room at the Lat-Lon I posted for you to park rigs and set up camp. We'll want to get at least 100yrds away from the main road for dust reasons.

Yea im definitly bringing everything i need.

Got room for 1 more?

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YUP! :thumbsup:

Pretty tame stuff but the views,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,oohhllllaaalllllaaa :D

We'll have to send you and Kevin up the 305 if it hasn't grown over completely.
