Cobra Roller rockers on a 5.0? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cobra Roller rockers on a 5.0?


Active Member
September 20, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Atlanta, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT
Anyone know if it's possible or feasible to install 1.72 rockers on the stock heads? I read somewhere that stronger valvesprings are recommended. Also, I don't know if they would fit under the stock valve covers.

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Troll had 1.7 on the stock motor with the power dyne.

That's great! I want to improve the airflow without instlling a new cam.

But if I did install a new cam... Can you install a Ford Motorsport Cam or a stock 5.0 cobra cam? Will it work with the computer?

use a E303 cam that is what we did. a stock cobra cam is small because of the 1.72 roller rockers.

a stock mustang 5.0 cam out of an 89-93 will also work very well for you. The explorer cam is even smaller than a stock mustang 5.0 cam.

I believe a stock mustang cam has around 210 degrees of duration at .050" lift on the intake and the exhaust.

the explorer cam is in the 204-206 range. I can't remember exactly.

Hopefully, blkmk8 will be able to get his diablochips to remove the factory rev limiter of 5200. If he can get all the programming to work and we can take our 5.0s up to 6000, we will only be a cam change away from alot of power.

Considering that we already have gt40 heads and essentially a gt40 intake, a healthy custom cam with roller rockers and headers should be worth 50 HP.

If the rev limiter can't be raised, gaining large amounts of power under 5000 rpm will be a near impossible task.

