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coil spring spacers

I wonder if I could sell my 245/70/16s? They are less than a year old and in great shape. I should have just gone with 265s when I bought tires but I did not plan on modding my Ex back then.

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I wonder if I could sell my 245/70/16s? They are less than a year old and in great shape. I should have just gone with 265s when I bought tires but I did not plan on modding my Ex back then.

You could try to sell them on here, or if your area has a Kijiji site, I've sold quite a bit of stuff on there.

HAHAHAHA!!!! I have an appointment tomorrow at 2 to have them designed, I'm doing a banner across my back window, a logo done for my two rear quarter windows, and a bunch of small ones to send with the kits. ;)
Of course if someone else wanted a banner as well I'm sure I could arrange it. :thumbsup:

great minds think alike...
and fools seldom differ ;)

HaHa!! Thats awesome!

Hook a brother up with a couple! I have no problem helping you out, you have designed and produced a product that many aftermarket companies have tried and failed with!! :salute:

HaHa!! Thats awesome!

Hook a brother up with a couple! I have no problem helping you out, you have designed and produced a product that many aftermarket companies have tried and failed with!! :salute:

PM Sent. :thumbsup:

HAHAHAHA!!!! I have an appointment tomorrow at 2 to have them designed, I'm doing a banner across my back window, a logo done for my two rear quarter windows, and a bunch of small ones to send with the kits. ;)
Of course if someone else wanted a banner as well I'm sure I could arrange it. :thumbsup:

great minds think alike...
and fools seldom differ ;)

I do not know if you will have them ready by the time you ship my spacers but I would like to have one of the small stickers.

What's the typical shop time for an install on these guys?

When I got my front ones put in, they started on my truck around 11 or 12am and got done around 4 - 5pm. If I have to say, I'd say its an all day event, if you dont run into any snags.

Wow! that's crazy, its a pretty straight forward install.
I'm sorry to hear that your shop had such a hard time.
There are three bolts on the top of each strut, and one at the bottom, then they need to compress the spring, attach the spacer, and re-install... shouldn't be more than a couple hours with the proper tools.

yea, I don't know what the local tech guy did to put them on mine, I was just glad I got them on. He probably told me he worked on it the whole time, but with my luck, he went to lunch for an hour or so. lol He tends to exaggerate with his stuff

yea, I don't know what the local tech guy did to put them on mine, I was just glad I got them on. He probably told me he worked on it the whole time, but with my luck, he went to lunch for an hour or so. lol He tends to exaggerate with his stuff

Unfortunately I think he fluffed on more than an hour on you... :(
But It's good that you at least got them installed.

STNGADC, can you help us out with this one?

I dropped my truck off at 9am and picked it up at a full day.

I know the shop owner so it was only $350. Normal shop rates around here are $75 a hour!:eek:

it takes literally 5 minutes to remove each shock... and the same to install them... the only other thing they need to do is compress the strut. I don't understand how they're telling you guys that it takes a full day.
Sorry it's costing so much for you guys to get these installed. :confused:

I know the shop owner so it was only $350.


That is what I was afraid of... I have a pretty good guy here but he managed to charge me 4 hours for two coilsprings and a 4-way brake job last time. I thought it was a bit much...

it takes literally 5 minutes to remove each shock... and the same to install them... the only other thing they need to do is compress the strut. I don't understand how they're telling you guys that it takes a full day.
Sorry it's costing so much for you guys to get these installed. :confused:
When I lowered mine, It took me approx 50mins per corner to remove the struts as a complete unit, disassemble them, install the lowered spring, reassemble the unit and return everything to the car. That was mostly because while I'd done this on other cars, this was the first explorer I'd removed struts and springs from. A pro should be able to halve that time - especially as I use hand tools, and they should be use rattle guns etc.

I am going to attempt this myself when I get mine in. I will let you guys know how it goes. I am not much of a mechanic so if I can do then most anyone can.

Luckily for me my dad is good with cars and can bail me out if I make a mess out of it.

When I lowered mine, It took me approx 50mins per corner to remove the struts as a complete unit, disassemble them, install the lowered spring, reassemble the unit and return everything to the car. That was mostly because while I'd done this on other cars, this was the first explorer I'd removed struts and springs from. A pro should be able to halve that time - especially as I use hand tools, and they should be use rattle guns etc.

yeah, that sure sounds alot more realistic than 8 hours...



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Good job! They look awesome!:thumbsup:
