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cold air intake


Active Member
November 7, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
manalapan mj
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 xls
Hi I have a 04 xls 4.0l (k) motor 40,000 miles. I was thinking of getting a Volant cold air intake. For some reason most upgrades for the gen 3 only goes to 2003. Ok so I have been doing some research and found some pic's from an 03. It looks like the only thing that's different is the maf sensor housing is part of the air box lid on the 04 and the 03 this housing is its own part. Does anybody know if I can get the mass air flow sensor housing from an 03 and use it on the cold air intake that I'm looking to get


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Hi I have a 04 xls 4.0l (k) motor 40,000 miles. I was thinking of getting a Volant cold air intake. For some reason most upgrades for the gen 3 only goes to 2003. Ok so I have been doing some research and found some pic's from an 03. It looks like the only thing that's different is the maf sensor housing is part of the air box lid on the 04 and the 03 this housing is its own part. Does anybody know if I can get the mass air flow sensor housing from an 03 and use it on the cold air intake that I'm looking to get


This has been discussed in the modified section. The pigtail on the MAF from the 02-03 and 04-05 are different so a swap is out of the question. You could try to carefully cut away the MAF and make your own custom intake.

ok thanks lets see what i can come up with i did search both the modified and stock forum but did not find anything but sometimes a post will go off the subject so it gets hard at times to find what your looking for

ok thanks lets see what i can come up with i did search both the modified and stock forum but did not find anything but sometimes a post will go off the subject so it gets hard at times to find what your looking for

look under the thread i posted in modified, titls is KKM Intake in 03 4.6L or something like that.

I wasn't saying it to be mean or anything, just trying to help you along ;)
