connector removed from explorer overhead console..need help w/wires! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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connector removed from explorer overhead console..need help w/wires!


New Member
December 11, 2005
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City, State
Concord NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Sport (sold)
The connector was removed from wiring harness on the back of my explorer overhead console. I've managed to figure out all the wires except for three. The temp stays alternating between -40 and ice. Once I get power to the display if I tap the first wire to +12v the temp rises. The other two do nothing when connected to +12v. I'm assuming the one that changes the temp is one the temp sensor wires. Crossing each of the other two, one at a time, with the (assumed) temp sensor wire will change the temp on the display. The first changes the temp to 26 degrees. The second changes it to 140 degrees. Is there any way to figure out which of these two is the speed sensor wire and which is the second temp sensor wire? If I connect these wires up wrong, say one of the temp sensor wires to the speed sensor, will it cause anything to short out?
