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Control Trac 4WD Questions and Problems

bring it to another dealer! it could be a number of things from your vacuum connects to your transfer caser

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Originally posted by 64hala

Should I go to the dealer and have them look at it? I think all things are leading to either the front speed sensor is bad or I somehow messed up the install on the new rear sensor and it's bad again also. Please advice if you aren't all tired of hearing about this.

Thanks again.

There is the possibility that it is not the speed sensor. For example, it could be a problem with the electronic module (GEM-Generic Electronic Module) which controls the engagement of the 4wd.

I think that you may need to take it to a knowledgable dealer, but I would try the following first:

Check the connector which is right next to the shift motor. Make sure that all connections look ok, no bent pins, freyed wires, etc.

If wiring is ok, remove both speed sensors, wipe them clean, look for damage to sensor or wiring. I think that this type of sensor is pretty robust, so I would not assume that it is bad unless you can actually see damage.

Check the resistance of the 4wd mode switch. Measure ohms at the two center contacts on the back of the switch. You can get the resistance values from the schematic on this page:

If it isn't any of the above, the next likely candidate would be the GEM itself. You need a scan tool to diagnose this, so I would take it to the dealer at this point.

Good luck

On my 97, the 4x4 lights would only flash after the truck went over 35 mph for a bit. If I kept it below 35, the front would stay engaged, with no flashing lights. I don't know if the 96 is the same.

When my rear sensor failed it was clean, with no visible damage. Also, I didn't find out it was my rear sensor until I replaced my front sensor, and that didn't fix the problem. If replacing the rear sensor hadn't solved my problem, my next step would have been checking the switch.

The dealer was going to be my last resort, for fear of getting the seemingly standard answer "replace the transfer case for $2000".

At any rate, I assume you disconnected the battery for a bit after the sensor swap. I've read on this board that that is required to reset the system. Be happy you have a 2-wheel switch option, my 97 doesn't, so I had to disconnect the shift motor connector underneath just make the truck drivable.

I'd take it somewhere else. Your best bet might be a tranny shop. When my tranny went they pulled out the t-case and checked everything that had to do with the front drive system.(I had good luck with Cottman's there might be one near you.) They pointed out a few things that would go bad in the future and my independent mechanic agreed.
Early 2nd gens have a bad habit of "puking" fluid from the vent tube when going in reverse due to the design of the gear teeth.
Can anything be done about this? Would a longer vent tube help?

replace the transfer case for $2000".
That seems a bit steep. You could almost get an Atlas II for that.


Ford's procedure to correct this is to install a screen inside the diff that won't allow the fluid to fly out, but yet still allow air to travel through.

Hi All; new to the forum.

I have a 97 XLT with the Auto/High/Low switch and I get a six blink pattern on my dash 4wd lights. does this flash of Six mean a specific item is indicated?


Repeated flashes of 6 is an indication of a problem with one of the speed sensors on the t/f case I believe. You can remove the sensor (little magnets) and try cleaning. One is in the front of the t/f case, one in the rear. The front one can be a B****H to get to... Also, run a search for Speed Sensor and you should find threads with more information.
