"Convertible" Cargo Mat | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Convertible" Cargo Mat


New Member
June 22, 2021
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Anderson, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer Platinum
I often convert my third row from up to down...almost daily...when transitioning from carrying more kids to carrying more stuff. As such, I really want a cargo liner that is convertible for both the up and down position. Is there one out there, preferably something more durable and "rubber-ish" like the weathertech's or smartliners?

Also, does anyone have an opinion on Smartliner? They seem to be good quality, but I've never owned them. I've always used Husky (my local dealer can offer them at a much better price than weathertech who apparently price controls).

Thanks in advance for responses...

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I'd be interested in options as well. I'll admit that I haven't really done any research to see what is out there though. I have the OEM Ford cargo liner for the seats folded down, and am quite unimpressed with that unit. For that reason alone, I wouldn't get the 'seats up' cargo liner from FORD. It would be much nicer to find a single mat with a crease cast into it so it can be used with the third row up or down.

The oem cargo liner from Ford installed behind the 3rd row seats is, well, see for yourself.

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i have the Smartliner that fits behind the second row. I never raise the 3rd row so for me it works great. Fits good and stays in place. It's well made. But I doubt it would work well if you raised the 3rd row so it might not be the best one for you.

I often convert my third row from up to down...almost daily...when transitioning from carrying more kids to carrying more stuff. As such, I really want a cargo liner that is convertible for both the up and down position. Is there one out there, preferably something more durable and "rubber-ish" like the weathertech's or smartliners?

Also, does anyone have an opinion on Smartliner? They seem to be good quality, but I've never owned them. I've always used Husky (my local dealer can offer them at a much better price than weathertech who apparently price controls).

Thanks in advance for responses...
Husky makes exactly what you are looking for, ITEM# 22321. I purchased the Ford ones prior to this being available. Definitely wish I would have waited.

Also, regarding Smartliners, I have them in another vehicle and they are great quality. Better coverage in most cases than what Ford offers


Husky makes exactly what you are looking for, ITEM# 22321. I purchased the Ford ones prior to this being available. Definitely wish I would have waited.

Also, regarding Smartliners, I have them in another vehicle and they are great quality. Better coverage in most cases than what Ford offers
Thanks for posting that. It must be something new but then I haven't been on their site for a while. Seems they don't list Lincoln when I just checked.


I have Husky liners in mine, too. They don't turn gray like the Weather Techs.

Pedro, you have my respect. A vernier caliper! Awesome. There's not many of us left that know how to read those.
.....or have one. ;)

Husky makes exactly what you are looking for, ITEM# 22321. I purchased the Ford ones prior to this being available. Definitely wish I would have waited.

Also, regarding Smartliners, I have them in another vehicle and they are great quality. Better coverage in most cases than what Ford offers

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That is fantastic will they have a set for the 05 explorer xlt?

That is fantastic will they have a set for the 05 explorer xlt?


After seeing this thread last week I ordered the husky. It fits nicely, you do have to cut the centet seated area. My guess is if someone wants it solid and not split.
Thanks for the info @SES9

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Thanks for the pictures. It looks like the liners stay in place when the seats are up, is this done with velcro straps?

Thanks for the pictures. It looks like the liners stay in place when the seats are up, is this done with velcro straps?
Yup, the sides each have 4 and the bottom has 2 on the outer corners. My wife just saw it yesterday and said it really fit nicely while we were packing up for hunting trip.
