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Coolant leak


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Forsyth GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
05 XLT 4.6
Today I made it home and found out I have a coolant leak. I have a 04 ST 4.0 OHV with 180,000 Miles...It has been great since the day I got it. That was 155,000 Miles ago. Well today it is a different story

I have leak and am not sure where it is coming from. It looks like it coming somewhere near what looks like the thermostat area. I have attached a video for you to look at. This video is looking at the steam that is coming from some place under the throttle area.

Any suggestions or thoughts what it might be or any suggestion what I can do to try to find out..

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With all this plastic...Could it be leaking some place here...or could it be leaking at the Thermostat gasket.


It is common for there to be a leak in the thermostat housing.

I am going to put it all back together and put some UV dye in the system and try to find it...does that entire housing area come out. ...

There seems to be a difference in flex-fuel and non-flex housings. Be sure you get the correct part. Motor craft also offers the housing and I thing they offer top/bottom halves. Some have one sensor, some have two.



Do I need to go to the dealer and get this or will oreileys or advance have it. I hvr put every thing back together and trying to find the leak with some dye right now..

I think it was the thermostat housing. While in there look what I found on the back side of the motor....

Maybe a mouse nest


I think all the coolant was leaking from the thermostat housing..


another question?

I have no coolant in the oil and no lose of power other than that any way of knowing if I have a leaking head gasket.

I think all coolant that is sitting on the top of my motor is from the thermostat housing leaking...

I'd say you were safe in that assumption. It's a fairly common problem.

Atleast mine lasted to 180k just hope the Ford parts deparment is open tommorow...

I replaced the housing but had a new leak around the temp sensor. The sensor is held in by a clip and there is no "sealing force". I was told to use blue RTV to seal the senosr leakage.

After I replaced the housing is put some more dye in the system...and noticed that it is leaking around the sensor...thanks for tip of using the sealant. But I think I will replace the sensor and gasket before I seal it...I have 180k miles and want to keep this truck for a few more years...maybe pass onto my son..

Would a leak in this area cause steam from the upper area of the engine? Mine will "smoke", and has an unknown coolant leak somewhere. The steam does come from somewhere under the intake mainfold.

Is replacing the entire thermostat assembly a real PIA, or just a long afternoon?


Get some infrared dye in the coolant to help find your leak.
Mine was shooting coolant all over the top of the engine which cause it to steam..

It was not to much of a PIA...maybe take half an afternoon. Make sure you put in a new sensor. Also when I went to the dealership to get the housing I had to take mine with me. Even when they looked my truck up by VIN they almost gave me the wrong one. Some have two holes for sensors others like mine only have one sensor hole.

My 01 had the same problem a few months ago and it was at about 180,000 miles too. The actual thermostat housing had warped. That my problem anyway. Ordered a new housing and put it n and it workes great 1,000 miles later :)
