Crown Vic / Grand Marquis Engine | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Crown Vic / Grand Marquis Engine


"I'm counting to 3, then I'm getting your dad."
Elite Explorer
March 16, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Woodstock, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Ford Explorer 4.6l
I know one member swapped a Crown Vic 4.6 into his Explorer. I believe the only real issue was one less power steering bolt.

2010 crown vic engines with low miles go for $400, vs high mileage Explorer engines at $700+.

Has anyone else performed this swap?

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Motor mount holes are different plus explorer 4.6 is the lighter WAP aluminum block vs crown vic iron block.

Need to find an aluminum 5.4

Need to find an aluminum 5.4
I have one! But that also requires other things too.

I have an ‘03 Centennial that has a locked engine. There’s also another O4W explore with a lock V8 really clean for $1000. Would be an easy flip if I could get cheap engines.

Motor mount holes are different plus explorer 4.6 is the lighter WAP aluminum block vs crown vic iron block.
Man, I don’t remember him saying anything about the motor mounts. I knew about the block difference.

It's the passenger motor mount that is different and people have done various things to make it work. There's a bolt difference on the timing cover as well but your explorer timing cover should be dual drilled to work with it.

How far off is the passenger mount?

One out of 3 of the holes just doesn't line up at all. The mounts on the aluminum blocks grab a little wider area

Anybody ever replace an Explorer 4.6 with the Aviator DOHC 4.6L?? cool engines with fairly limited production numbers.

One out of 3 of the holes just doesn't line up at all. The mounts on the aluminum blocks grab a little wider area
New hole needed, or just oblong the one that’s off?

