Custom Gauge Pods | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Custom Gauge Pods

Should I keep it or not

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • No

    Votes: 14 45.2%
  • Yes but aim the right gauge higher

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • No way on all of it

    Votes: 10 32.3%

  • Total voters


Explorer Addict
April 6, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Up state NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 xls
Ok since i am waiting on my welder to get his shop worked on i thought i would make my gauge pod.. couldn't decide on wear to put them.

Right now I did this



oh and dont worry about the roundness of the hole the gauge trim hides it.. now i just need to get my own gauges
But I was thinking of making a tri-gauge pod that sits on the dash off to the right of the slope with all three gauges in an arc facing me.

opinions please

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i like it...but maybe paint it to match the grey...oh yea and answer your PM about when you wanna wheel

I would have two smaller gauges right on top of the dash infront of the driver seat (pretty much where the factory gagues are) but put the two other ones on the dash molded into the dash. Looks kind of cool though. Won't be able to see much of the left one.


those are for the standard 2-1/16 gauges, i forgot to lower the wheel, you can still see the left hand pod just fine with the wheel tolted down a little more.. need to do i think 2 more.. 2 centered like you said ExplorerDMB and one with three off two the right... i might do a single in the upper a-pillar above my grab handles and another single on the steering column if i can get it to fit.

didn't get a chance to work on my other pods.. tried to finsih my box instead... will hopefully get these done soon

seems like no one likes it

i mean its a cool idea and it looks like you did nice work on it but i personally dont like the way they are tipping in different directions. but hell, its already done and you like it so who cares what anybody thinks.

kinda ugly looking pod's

Cool idea, I can't tell, bit if it were in mine, the ONE thing that'd bug me is how close the shift lever is to the pods.

Aside of that, kick ass idea.

And I agree, you already have them done, if YOU like em, it's all that matters, you're the one driving it =)

Cool idea, I can't tell, bit if it were in mine, the ONE thing that'd bug me is how close the shift lever is to the pods.

Your gonna regret that placement when you get into some serious wheeling. When you get a little stuck and try to rock yourself out in first and reverse, your gonna punch that thing and curse the day you thought of putting them there while either your knuckles bleed or your gauges go flying across your truck or both. I still think the "A" pillar is the best place for any gages or across the roof panel in front of you so your eyes don't have to wander far from the trail to keep your vitals in check.

chriswells78 said:
.......across the roof panel in front of you so your eyes don't have to wander far from the trail to keep your vitals in check.

you musta peeked. i am working on a three gauge pod setup for the roof line. but i am worried about seeing some traffic lights... i might do one on the top and one on the bottom or duel gauges on the instrutment cluster beezel and one on the a- pillar but as i have added custom bmw handles on my a-pillar its a tight fit. tune in after christmas and you might see the result of my decision.

Another idea might be, well, depending on how much you use your heater, replacing the center vents with guages. I have seen this done on fox body Mustangs, they can get 3, 2 1/16" guages in that space.

As far as seeing traffic lights, isn't your truck high enough to give you a good angle at them. I am 6'2" and rarely get that close that I have to look out the top. Do you have a sunroof and the center mounted compass and thermometer? If not mount 2 or 3 right there in the middle, kind of angled towards the drivers seat. They should be out of your way enough for the lights. For this you might be able to find a besel set for 2 or 3 guages that mounts on a dashboard and turn it upside down to help keep a clean "Detroit showroom" look.:usa:

feel free to copy mine....


:roll: Your pic didn't post 351


works for me

It worked this time.

On the Ranger that I got rid of earlier this year, I had a set of the mini gauges (three mounted in one small bezel) mounted along the bottom of the dash under the ash tray. It worked well even though it wasn't as high speed looking as an Autometer or Nordskog gauge. You might be able to fit a set of these underneith your radio in the extra space left over from the factory.

I'd mount them on the steering wheel trim or a-pillar. They don't look right where they are. You did a good job though! :thumbsup:

i have a set of the mini gauges, i was going to put them right where you described chris... put i went with the setup above

what about using the bezel that you made, or one like it, and put them right above your radio/vents

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the second go at it.

here it is, a work in progress. for the roof line or under where the ash tray goes (will be removing it)


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