custom wig-wag's | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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custom wig-wag's

ok im working on this right now..pic's as soon as im done!!

but i have a ? should i have it go brake light's/back up lioght's

or have the back up light's by them selves altranating back an forth

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what are you working on? there is a kit you can buy that has them for $20 alec had that on splat and im about to go outside right now and install it on the toyota eventhough it isnt compatible with the toyotas wiring, im doing some other stuff to make it owrk....

ok never mind..i had it all installed and the wig-wag flasher stoped to order a new one..will keep this updated

hehe.... i wired mine wrong and got my aux light fuse and the flasher fuse to blow..... next weeks project now.....

i got mine from and its part #fs039

what exactly is a wig-wag?

ohhhh sweet, how legal is that?

Originally posted by jssong
not very legal..

Not legal at need to be stopped to have them legal.

i have them for emergency's..ect..i also have a few set's of light's with wig's insalled on our plow truck..along with a load of strobes and rotating light's..i use them when plowing

get a pair of whelen ones for like 35-40 bucks....

galls is over priced...just do a search...


Galls has good ones for $20

Originally posted by FDNYEMT
those are strobes, not wig wags.

I know, but it is the same effect, alternating lights....

Ak - did you ever get your wig wags to work? Any video clips you could post would be great. Does anyone else here have a video clipd of their wig wags?

he can't login(why? i don't know) that will be fixed soon. i can post a pic of how wig-wag's work. he's still working on his.


thanks blue_97_v8, but I know how wigwags work, just wondering what they looked like on his explorer. Wonder why he can't login? Hopefully you can get his login situation fixed.

Originally posted by blue_97_v8
he can't login(why? i don't know) that will be fixed soon.

I'd check with the MOD's

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Don't worry a PM has been sent to Rick. If it stay's like that i will just let him use my name.(he would idenfiy(sp?) himself if it comes to that)
