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Dasfinc's 5 speed Supercharged V-8 Explorer Sport Build Thread

that's what eerk's me. When drivers form a line and are all cruising at the same comfortable speed (and distance), and then suddenly come up on 5mph'er and then everyone has to slam on the brakes an try not to hit each other (brake sliding because of the snowy road conditions). That's when i get pissed and just hammer down (80mph+) to get home and off the road as fast as possible (blinding everyone else on the road by way of the white washing) while keeping it between the ditches, which i know i will because i'm the best winter driver on the road. Then when i get home, i find out how lucky i was when i find out from the news i just caused a 82 car pileup on the highway i was just on. :d;)


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Spring Hill is about 45 min to an hour from me (depending on traffic pattern and time of day). Since it's on the outskirts of Nashville it all makes sense over your previous statement. I've never been to the town but I have seen the signs while traveling south to family's house.

Awesome, the truck was dead this morning...

It didn't click in my head when my woman came home last night and said "Honey, your explorer's out of gas" that she meant "Honey, your explorer has NO gas"

Awesome, the truck was dead this morning...

It didn't click in my head when my woman came home last night and said "Honey, your explorer's out of gas" that she meant "Honey, your explorer has NO gas"

Dont you know that "your truck is out of gas" means:

"First the gas gauge got low, but I didnt believe it. Then the check gauge light started lying to me next. So i looked at the gauges and they were all still there, so I continued to drive until the truck started bucking when you hit the gas. Instead of stopping at the 3 gas stations I passed after all this started happening, I figured its better to get home. It may not start again with all these gauges and lights all messed up. So I coasted home on fumes, thinking you'll take care of it."

Dont you know that "your truck is out of gas" means:

"First the gas gauge got low, but I didnt believe it. Then the check gauge light started lying to me next. So i looked at the gauges and they were all still there, so I continued to drive until the truck started bucking when you hit the gas. Instead of stopping at the 3 gas stations I passed after all this started happening, I figured its better to get home. It may not start again with all these gauges and lights all messed up. So I coasted home on fumes, thinking you'll take care of it."



It was SUCH a ****ty feeling, because it fired up, I brushed the snow off of it (FIRST snow of the year in my area), and it stalled out JUST as I finished, and wouldn't fire back up.... Looked at the gauge and saw it buried below the E...

I then had to brush off my ####ing mustang CONVERTIBLE to take to work today :thumbdwn:

Ahh well.

On a more positive note, I contacted Henson, and sounds like he can get a solid 5 speed tune loaded for this sucker.

Dont you know that "your truck is out of gas" means:

"First the gas gauge got low, but I didnt believe it. Then the check gauge light started lying to me next. So i looked at the gauges and they were all still there, so I continued to drive until the truck started bucking when you hit the gas. Instead of stopping at the 3 gas stations I passed after all this started happening, I figured its better to get home. It may not start again with all these gauges and lights all messed up. So I coasted home on fumes, thinking you'll take care of it."


I had never laughed so hard until I read snoranger's comment.... Sounds like a good thing on the tune though.
