Diamond Everything w/ Projectors | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Diamond Everything w/ Projectors

They came! My diamond corners, signals and headlamps came! I pulled the diamond lenses off the headlamps and put them on my projector-fitted lamps. These look AWESOME! MUCH more light output. I've got a few pics attached.


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Damn. I wish all labor was that cheap.

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I think I got lucky with the alignment. They quoted me $20 without knowing I had projectors.

how did u get them so cheap from pcp there prices tell me 197.99 for the headlights and 87.99 for the clears or 208 for the combo. I already have the corners but for the 10$ difference I might aswell get an extra set of clears.

thank you! I can never find them on ebay when I look ,thanks so much for the link.

I just noticed the new avitar...Until now, i had no clue what your previous one was....u change it and all of a sudden my brain clicked (do u smell smoke?) I feel...slooooooooow ;)

Pretty sweet setup.

Ha! Thanks! I did smell a slight smokey smell.. now I know what it was :D

Very nice! Once you have HID you won't be able to drive anything without them at night again. After being used to them for all these years I hate driving the Explorer at night...

Stephen said:
Very nice! Once you have HID you won't be able to drive anything without them at night again. After being used to them for all these years I hate driving the Explorer at night...

You probably hate driving the Expo period! After driving your big fancy Lexus and FX!! ;)


Where did u get your HID projectors from? I just got a set of Mercedes E class lights and i am in the process of dismantling the or totaling the Mercedes light and taking out the projectors.

I have a pair of TYC lights i got for my truck and have a H1 Hid kit in it and i love the quality of light but the projector sucks big time.

I have the Hella 90mm projector Hella GEN 4 ballast and starter. I don’t think i can fit the Gen 4 ballast and separate starter into my truck. Looks like i will be selling that and buying a Gen 3 ballast. I have allot of cutting and glue to do with this project not to mention electrical work. Hella HID wire harness on the way.

Dont hate me cuz i drive a GM and i am on a Ford form...


I bought them off eBay along with the bulbs and ballasts.

Stuck them in the oven for 10 minutes. That was enough to loosen up the adhesive. I ended up having to Dremel the lens and housing flat and then I just used RTV silicone. No leaking whatsoever.
