Did you guys See This SALEEN EXPLORER?! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Did you guys See This SALEEN EXPLORER?!

yeah the third one is nice. You were right, way to pricey. They do sell some seats SIMILAR in style, but probably no in quality. The universal ricer seats on ebay are pretty cheap. I think I personally like the "semi stock look" of the first seat.

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Yes, and unfortunately that hasn't turned up often, only two individual seats have that I have seen. I'd settle for the "R" model if it turned out to be the same size, but not for $900 used, needing to be recovered. I'd give a couple hundred for a pair if I thought that I could get them recovered in leather for under $1000 total. That's why I have wished to at least see a pair in a salvage yard locally.

Have you any Marauders close to you to get a look at? I'd like to see one of those steering wheels in person, to see if they have a larger rim diameter.

Not worth the price IMO

CDW first thanks for the spot on the Limited wheels. I got them today from the seller.. second, I am in the auto industry and have a eBay business selling car parts. What exactly are you looking for so I can keep my eye out. The Type R integra seats? What years? PS i rarely see the Marauder around here. maybe once or twice

Thanks for any help, I sent you a message. Night,

Rob, I sent an email by your user information link, there is no "SENT" file for me to see again.

Basically the type "R" seats I have read of in eBay ads more than anywhere else. They are in late 90's cars, like 93-2000 models. I'm not in any hurry, the business which services Recaro seats can provide new bolsters/padding, as well as any covers needed.

The Marauder steering wheels are just like ours, but they may be larger in the hand rim diameter. Mine is a little smooth from work use, I would like either a new one, or the black Marauder SW if it is larger. Regards,

Its missing two very important options, the supercharger and the hood.

and anywhere else other than this forum you'll be laughed at for owning one anyways... just my opinion (but try explaining why it would be cool to a co-worker or joining any performance car type site with that in your signature and see where it gets you...)


Yeah, it's a good looking truck but I wouldn't want it, if I had something like that I'd wanna drive it everywhere and then if something happened to it while driving or something I'd be more p*ssed than what I would with a normal explorer. Plus besides the seats and spoiler and maybe the body kit it isn't anything for me to get too excited over.

I think it's the exclusivity of the car more than the car itself, that makes it valuable.

Thats exactly right Mounty71

CDW first thanks for the spot on the Limited wheels. I got them today from the seller.. second, I am in the auto industry and have a eBay business selling car parts. What exactly are you looking for so I can keep my eye out. The Type R integra seats? What years? PS i rarely see the Marauder around here. maybe once or twice

Much thanks to CDW from me also for letting me know about rob17san looking for the wheels!!

Where can I find that Saleen rear spoiler? I would like to get a better look at it also!


They are NEARLY impossible to find. The saleen spoiler that is. If you find one let me know. VERY RARE.

IIRC, there was someone on this site producing and selling some spoilers that he made on his own, or they were for another vehicle that he modified. You'll have to search for more info because that's all that i know.

i get that- however, IS it valuable? I don't see them trading for all that much real often (ever?).

I'd rather have a shelby durango... and that's not saying much

I'd drive it. Maybe not for 13K. Wish it was a standard, and had the supercharger though :(

I found a couple of rear spoilers online. One is on a Chevy & other is on a newer Explorer. Kinda cool!!


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The wing is the easiest part to do, but they are all so rare.

The first one is mine which David made, it needs a little fitting work still. The 2nd is Ted's, he has the cleanest Explorer around. The last is a good view of an XP8 wing. I have the black one from Magic's truck.


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I've never seen that red one above. That thing is NICE!
