differential problem?? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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differential problem??

Thanks Jon,
That was what I was wondering. I did remove the small bolt that held the center shaft (that went through the center of the spider? gears. I did this to remove the clutch 'S' spring. Is that the bolt you were referring to with the locktite? Did you remove the large round ring gear from the carrier before trying to remove it?

I tried tapping all around with a rubber mallet just to try and break the bearing caps loose, it seemed to wiggle a bit but i didn't know if the pinion gear was holding on to the ring gear and that is why it won't come loose.

So you are saying place a pry bar behind the carrier and just try and pry it loose (without dinging up the gasket surface)?


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Yes, if the bearing caps are removed then you can pry the carrier out of the housing, being careful not to damage the gasket surface.
Just a note, I repacked my clutches last month and I did not need to remove the carrier from the housing. Everything was accessable once the clutch S spring was removed.

I was hoping to do the clutch rebuild in the housing, but could not for the life of me figure out how to remove the side and spider gears once the s spring was removed. They all seem pretty well packed in the housing, I assumed that if the housing was removed, one side would come loose and all the gears would come out. Am I doing something wrong? Did I forget to remove something.


Do you have a Haynes manual, it might help if you do.
Anyway, with the dif cover off remove thepinion shaft lock-bolt using a thin wall socket. Then pull the pinion shaft out and then remove the S spring. Now you can slide the axel shaft towards the center of the carrier and remove the "C" clip retainers. At this point you should be able to slide the outer spider gears off and the upper and lower will fall out with them. Now you can start removing the clutches and spacers out from each side. Remember the spacer, clutch sequence so you can instal the new ones in the same order. Installation is the exact opposite, the S spring is tuff to re-install, I used a vice grip to compress the spring while I tapped it back into place., just be patient, it takes a few attempts.


Thanks for the reply. The problem for me is that the outer spider gears appear to be locked tightly in the housing. It seems that all 4 of these gears have a little flange that sticks into the housing not letting them simple slide off. They do not move toward the center because they are each locked in tight. I'm heading out there now to play around. I know I'm doing something wrong, and when I figure it out all this will seem very easy.


UPDATE: The upper and lower spider gears just revolve down to the window of the housing. I don't know why it took so long for me to figure it out. Well, its done. Thanks for everyone who took the time to help me out!

