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Difficult to get moving


New Member
January 31, 2002
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City, State
Salt Lake City, Utah
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 XLT
I just bought a 92 xlt with the 4.0L and an automatic transmission. It has 140,000 miles but has not been driven much in the past year or so (3,000 in the past 11 months). Because I have never driven an explorer before this may be a dumb question, but if I'm on any kind of hill (even my driveway), the truck does not want to move without practically flooring the gas. I don't know if there is something wrong or if I'm just so used to driving my acrua legend that I'm just imagining there is a problem.
Any feedback would be appreciated

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Let's See here

Well, I guess before we start to say anything at all about the transmission, we need to say that a 4.0 engine is pretty stout, however you do have a lot of mileage on that car. Tell us more about going down the road in it, as far as noises, starting and stoping on flat ground. I have been through 5 transmissions, so I know quite a few systems. Let us know, but in the mean time good luck. Seth

runs fine

Under normal conditions, it seems fine. It gets up to 45 or 50 relatively quickly. It runs well, doesn't make any noises (except the power steering), and based on last year's emmissions, is running very clean. One thing I did notice is that there was a vacuum hose missing so the idle varied but was generally high. I capped it off and now it runs well, but maybe instead of capping it I need to find out where it should go and replace it?
I realize these are probably dumb questions, but like I said, I just purchased it Sunday and have not driven it much or had much of a chance to look it over.

Don't go crazy looking for where that vacuum line should go. Not all are used, so if the truck runs better with it capped, it was probably just capped to begin with. What axle ratio does it have? If you're not sure, the code should be on the plate on the door. Here's a link to find out what ratio the code is ; http://www.users.qwest.net/~ntrpriz/main.htm
If you have 3.27 rear, that may be why it's sluggish starting out. And here's a link to another site with great maintenance info for older Ex's like yours. It will come in handy, believe me! Dead Link Removed

I'd add check the trans fluid.

I would check the trans fluid- check it hot, and on a level surface. On a hill the transmission may not be getting enough fluid to the pick up.

Depending on the hill, it may be that the torque converter just needs to get closer to stall speed to generate enough torque to get the vehicle moving, related to the gear ratios as discussed above.

I would guess its normal, my navajo takes some pedal to push it over a bump,rock from a stand still. But if your worried about it have a trans shop test the trans., or pull the codes and see what comes up- if anything.

Maybe your parking brake is set? :confused:

It's normal for Explorers to require some decent pedal to get moving from a stop up a hill. Like mentioned above, it has to do with gearing and the lockup speed of the torque converter. Congrats on your new purchase and good luck!
