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dim message center

July 2, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Carthage, Tennessee
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Eddie Bauer
I have read several posts on this website about the dim message center and dim odometer. I have the same problem with my 02 Explorer. The dimmer switch will change the brightness when the headlights are ON but even at night and especially during the day they are not as bright as they should be.
In reading all the other posts, I did not see any solution to this problem. Has anyone found a fix for it?

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Have had the same problem with my 02 ex. It comes and goes from time to time. No problem for the last 6,000 or so.

retiredexplorer said:
I have read several posts on this website about the dim message center and dim odometer. I have the same problem with my 02 Explorer. The dimmer switch will change the brightness when the headlights are ON but even at night and especially during the day they are not as bright as they should be.
In reading all the other posts, I did not see any solution to this problem. Has anyone found a fix for it?
Might ck the output of your alternator, would seem if the lights are lit, you have a voltage delivery problem

Mine did the same thing, cracked solder joint at the vacuum display circuit. Easy to repair, and has never gone dim since.


I think two different things are being discussed here. My LEDs are certainly not bright. When driving on a sunny day they are almost impossible to see. They are consistently like that, not coming and going. I assumed it was just mediocre design. I have LEDs on my 97 BMW 528 and they are always very visible. But they are definitely a nicer unit, as would be expected on an expensive car.

My 2002 Explorer also had the dim message center problem. I couldn't see it on bright sunny days. Nights were ok. I did a kinda strange fix, but it works great and is cheap. I cut out the green plastic over the message center and replaced it with some green film that is more transparent. The LED matrix is perfectly readable in bright sunlight and is not too bright at night. Much better.

The green plastic over the LED matrix is way too dark. Shine a flashlight into it and compare it to the radio display and you will see what I mean. This fix takes about two hours plus a trip to the hobby store to find some suitable replacement green film and costs about ten dollars. If anyone is interested, I will post instructions.

This is a no beer job and you must be in a tranquil mood and reasonably good with an Xacto knife.

I have the same problem with my 02 E/B...not visible in the daytime but okay at night. The radio led is fine both day/night. Can you post instructions? thanks. John


BuckeyeXLT said:
Mine did the same thing, cracked solder joint at the vacuum display circuit. Easy to repair, and has never gone dim since.



I too have this problem, can you post more details about your fix, where do I locate the vacume display circut?



I notice my dim on a couple of occasions and found that if I tap on it, it will brighten back to it's normal level and be good for a while.

I notice my dim on a couple of occasions and found that if I tap on it, it will brighten back to it's normal level and be good for a while.

I have to whack the top of the dash to get it back to the brightness

Just bought my '02 EB last thursday. When I test drove it I could see the display fine with sun glasses on. But now I cant.

Will check the "short" theory today.

Well I tore out the vacuum display twice and theres no short that I can find.

Does anyone know if a wiring manual shows the schematics for these things?
If I remember these displays have inputs to set their brightness at different levels. If I could find which legs need that voltage its possible to change it.

Some of the Chrysler products had a similar "cold" solder joint on one of the display connections.

I remember reading in the TSB list for the Explorers about this condition, but their fix was to purchase a remanufactured cluster.
Same fix for mine, which has the little glitch of the "AdvTrac Off" warning and chime when I turn the key off sometimes. Throw the cluster out, and buy a reman. I'll live with it. It's no big deal.

Thinking maybe it is a cracked solder joint I flexed the board the vacuum display is mounted on while it was lit up and no change.

Thought about buying a dealer wiring manual off EBay to see if it shows the schematics.

Where do you buy these reman clusters?


You get the reman. clusters at the Ford dealership. Not sure of the cost though.
