Does your X have a name? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Does your X have a name?

Does your X have a name?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 57.1%
  • No

    Votes: 12 34.3%
  • I just use whatever four letter word comes to mind first

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
Well, over the years:

1995 Eddie Bauer was called "The Eddie B" - originial i know

1991 XLT was called "My X"

2003 Sport is still under consideration. Its still too new and too stock to classify it yet.


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call mine SUVIOUS

Mine doesn't have a name. If a name comes up, I'll start using it, but that hasn't happened yet.

You can't ask for suggestions for a name. A name just happens. It evolves. It's not something you just pick out of the air.

Oh well, just my opinion :)

hmmm, depends on what I'm doing
these are all names others have given my truck, Ihad nothing to do with these
Danger Ranger
Rescue Ranger
the little Ranger that could

and the one that I call it,
the Rat Trap

current X is "The Exploder" just stuck with it and all my freinds call it that
my 85 ramcharger with the top sawzawed off 7" lift and open headers was "A$$hole" lol
my eddie bauer bronco was "big red ed"

I cant think of a good name for my truck so it had renamed nameless. Though some other members of the board have given it some *ahem* lame names. :)

it sure does.. "lemoneer" on the net, "mounty" in person heh

I never thought about naming my truck but if I did then it would be... yep, X-factor.

I used to own an'84 Camaro that around the neighborhood was called "The Bat Mobile". :D

I call her Sherman because she is slow, drinks alot of gas, and can go up and over almost anything just like a tank.

Originally posted by Soundguy01tx
2003 Sport is still under consideration. Its still too new and too stock to classify it yet.

Well, except for the kick-ass stereo I have in her, my X is totally stock. I want to add larger tires to her eventually but only as large as I can without cutting anything or having her lifted(Can anyone tell me how large the tires that can be put on a '92 Sport without modifying the frame?) First priority though, when I have the cash is a new paint job. Whoever had her before me did not take good care of her. She has a few rusty spots and bubbling paint that need to be taken care of.

I call her "The SoBe Sport, because I am a SoBe beverages fanatic (hence my login name, SoBeLover) and she has a SoBe logo decal on the back window. :D

I call my 95 'My Lil Red B*tch'

Proud Member of E A R......Explorers Against Ricers

LOL!!! I like that!! :D

I've named every car I've owned, except for a couple that my ex-w drove.

84 Mazda B2000 - "MT"
86 Ranger - "Blew" was a real POS. It blew. ;)
84 Toyota Tercel - "Baby Herman" after the cute little baby with a real bad attitude on Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
89 Dodge cargo van - "Moby" the big white whale.
80 GMC Heavy Half - "Jethro" bought from the estate of the farmer who'd owned it since new. It was a classic farm truck.
72 Olds Cutlass - "The White Ghost"
91 Miata - "The Jelly Bean"
94 Explorer - (See my sig)
94 Honda Prelude - "Spunky"
97 RAV4 - "Pebbles"
99 Camery Solara - "Blaire" after the snooty rich girl on Facts of Life.

BamBam was originally named after the boistrous kid on the Flintstones, but later EARNED the name becase that's the noise an Idiot Stocker makes when going on a big dawg trail. Bam!! Skid plate. Bam!! Frame rail. Bam!! Rocker panel.

Louise for my X, dont ask.

I call mine "The Better Half."

Originally posted by reichhartkg
I've been trying to think up a name for my X and started wondering how many others have named theirs. Post your name and any suggestions you have for my red '99 4dr 4x4.

Name your X Clifford like the big red dog.........
