Door armor? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Door armor?


Active Member
October 13, 2023
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City, State
Juno Alaska
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 FPIU

I understand some the the PIUs had an option for doors/side armor, what exactly was this and is there a good deal low work option to add this to mine?


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I doubt it’s going to be cheap. Extremely low demand, and what demand there is is government, so it’s marked up.

You might be able to find a set someone removed from their former police vehicle. Most agencies don't reuse the armor because it's Kevlar and has a 7-10 year lifespan. Doesn't mean it won't work as intended, it's just not guaranteed to work as intended.

A lot of departments donate old vests and door armor to law enforcement in other countries.

You might be able to find a set someone removed from their former police vehicle. Most agencies don't reuse the armor because it's Kevlar and has a 7-10 year lifespan. Doesn't mean it won't work as intended, it's just not guaranteed to work as intended.

A lot of departments donate old vests and door armor to law enforcement in other countries.
Any recommends on where to look?

I have it in both front doors of my 2015 Interceptor sedan. It's $2900 new. They weigh 13lbs each so I'll just leave them.

We leave the factory ones when they go to auction. Vehicle specific and too much work to remove. Also very heavy.
